
Cannot import backdrop into whiteboard

  • Chen Shilin

    Chen Shilin - 2002-07-04


    I'm having a problem importing backdrops into the whiteboard from the hard disk. After using the "find file" button to obtain a file for the white board backdrop and clicking on the "save"button", a whiteboard was created. However, when I try to open it, I get the following error message and a blank whiteboard:

    Invalid URL: file:/root/.cvw/Admin/cache/mwbxxxxx

    Does anyone have a solution to this problem?
    Thanks in advance for your help.


    • Chen Shilin

      Chen Shilin - 2002-07-12

      Hello again,

      I have a couple more problems that I can't solve. After creating a whiteboard with a backdrop that is imported from a web reference, the whiteboard could not be opened. Trying to open the whiteboard generates the followng error messages:

      Unable to retrive backdrop at this time. Failed to establish socket connection to <hostname>. Couldn't open socket connection: Connection timed out.


      Application.Display: Unable to retrive backdrop at this time. Failed to establish socket connection to <hostname>. Couldn't open socket connection: Connection timed out.

      I thought perhaps a proxy server is needed to access the backdrop so I modified the server.cvw file and specified a proxy server and its port number. However, the whiteboard still could not be opened with the desired backdrop. Instead, I got a message telling me I need to give authentication information to the proxy server and I have no idea how to do that.

      I also have a problem trying to open web references. The words "Launching Browser" appears in the status bar when a web reference is opened but the web browser is not started. The installation guide mentioned that a script named <install directory>/runtime/bin/ should point to the browser installed on my machine but this script seems to be missing from the software I downloaded.

      Can anyone help me with?
      Thanks in advance for your help.



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