
Bugs  Maximize  Restore

Showing 15 results of 15

# Summary Milestone Status Owner Created Updated Priority
21 oGIZSQNJ None open 2008-06-05 2008-06-05 5  
20 Handle RCODE != 0 gracefully None open 2000-11-01 2000-11-01 1  
19 Need sample zone files None open 2000-07-26 2000-07-26 5  
18 Split None open 2000-07-14 2000-07-14 3  
14 Client assumes Perl is in /usr/bin None open 2000-07-13 2000-07-13 5  
12 Use Perl client instead of Java client None open 2000-07-13 2000-07-14 5  
9 Zone files need to be replicated by hand None open 2000-07-13 2000-07-13 5  
8 PostgreSQL dependencies None open 2000-07-13 2000-07-13 5  
7 Nice CGI features None open 2000-07-13 2000-07-13 5  
6 Audit thread safety None open 2000-07-13 2000-07-13 5  
5 Copyrights in source files None open 2000-07-13 2000-07-13 5  
4 Need better logging None open 2000-07-13 2000-07-13 5  
3 Denial of Service attacks None open 2000-07-13 2000-07-13 5  
2 Inappropriate DNS error messages None open 2000-07-13 2000-07-13 5  
1 Zone serial number problems None open 2000-07-13 2000-07-13 5  
  • Ticket Number
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