PaulN - 2012-06-15

This version incorporates big changes to the internals of the c2esp filter and the ppd files for the ESP nnnn printers.
The intention was to make use of the grey ink (previously not used) and that should give us nicer greys without the muddy green cast that we had before because grey was made by mixing CMY inks. The greyscale should also be smoother.

Note that the c2espC filter for the Cnnn and the Hero series has not changed in this version.

Comments on the colour balance  and print quality for this version would be interesting. There is some scope for tweaking the colour balance in the ppd files. What I'm not sure about is how to do that in an organised way.
I guess the ultimate method for setting the colour balance would be to use ICC profiles, but again I don't know how to make the ICC files.