
#8 feature portable app


Originally created by:

it would be nice to have the option to use cryptsync as portable app, where it saves all its config info in a config file in the directory of the executable. then the folderpairs should also have a computer id (or name) attached to know which pair to use on the current computer.


Tickets: #30


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-11-09

    Originally posted by: tortoisesvn

    I don't see how having CryptSync portable would help: you need to have your cloud tool installed already (those are not portable either). So what benefit would you get if CryptSync is portable?

    Labels: -Type-Defect -Priority-Medium Type-Enhancement Priority-Low

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-11-11

    Originally posted by:

    it would be usefull i.e. to use cryptsync in a setup with an external hdd, where cryptsync backs up some folders of a given computer to the external hdd (instead of the cloud)

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-11-29

    Originally posted by:

    +1 for the following config strategy:
    1. look for a config file next to CryptSync.exe
    2. look for a config file next in %APPDATA%\CryptSync
    3. look for a config in the registry

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2013-03-21

    Originally posted by:

    RE: #3 (config strategy)

    Since it already supports command line, why not include a 'config file' command line setting there that overrides the other strategies., for example, keeps "changeable" files in its .\Data directory (makes it easy to back up user data without backing up executables and such), so "next to" or "next in" config files need to be handled out of band. Command line config files (where the '/src:"path"' IS optional) work much cleaner and let me control where I want the config, e.g. a shortcut to the executable with a parameter that looks for passwords/config on an encrypted thumb drive.

    Not saying "don't consider #3's strategy, just add to it, with an optional command line config at the top of the list.

    The only other place to put it would be in an environment variable. The flexibility is nice, but probably not useful in this context.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2013-05-04

    Originally posted by:

    My number 1 reason for portable apps. No installation/ no cluttered registry.
    Most of my apps are not installed, the ones I need constantly I launch with windows.
    but if I want to reinstall my machine, I don't have to reinstall all my software.
    Number 2 reason is portability. I can quickly (immediately) set up another machine to look the same as my base one.

    Also I use dropboxportable AHk so my cloud app is portable too.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2013-11-17

    Originally posted by:

    I'd love to see a portable version, too.  I want to install it as a limited user in my user folder (without Admin privileges).  A workaround that seems to work is to open the .msi file with 7Zip and copy the files CryptSync.EXE, Z7Z.EXE, & Z7Z.DLL to a folder.  Then rename each of Z7Z.* to 7Z.* (remove the leading "Z").

    It's not portable because info is stored in the registry but it does let you use CryptSync without Admin rights.  I'd love to see a .zip package of CryptSync so the workaround isn't necessary.

    Thanks again for making this excellent tool!

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2014-05-02

    Originally posted by:

    I also would like to see this app portable.
    I am travelling a lot and would like to be able to crypt and decrypt files on a thumbdrive as I cannot always install an app on a computer in a public internet shop.
    The concept is terriffic (o.e. using it to encrypt dropbox content.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2014-10-03

    Originally posted by:

    1) I prefer to use the term "self-contained" rather than "portable", as I think it speaks better to what I want.

    2) Having a self-contained application makes backup/restore much easier.

    3) I don't like to leave application traces on a machine (as minimal as possible).

    4) I don't want anyone to know I have something encrypted.

    5) I don't want anyone to have any clues to what/where something is encrypted.

    6) I like having a clean machine, which is why I like self-contained apps.

    7) I can't think of a reason to use the registry for the configuration settings.

    8) It would be even better if the configuration file was encrypted too.  From my understanding the Registry is accessible to Administrators, and not secure.


  • Folding Home

    Folding Home - 2016-11-27

    Just wanted to bump the portable thread again by noting a few use cases for portable capability:

    • Ease of backup - e.g. Just quickly a folder rather than trying to track down relevent config files in in AppData.

    • Improved security - storing CryptSync and connected files in an encrypted volume before they're uploaded. I know this begs the question "why not just upload the encrypted volume?", but most VeraCrypt/TrueCrypt volumes are too large for many services with 20-30 meg individual file size limits.

    • Cloud capability - An individual who has this program stored on their Cloud drive (Dropbox, Google Drive, etc.) and wants to have the same experience/settings across different systems. Note that this user would need to want to enter his password at every launch as writing the password to the local cloud folder would be bad security.

    • USB drive - Someone who uses a public terminal at a coffee shop, computer lab, etc. and wants to have easy access to their encrypted cloud files.

    • Admin-restrictions - Users who aren't able to run install procedures on a given computer would still be able to use the program.

    • WINE users - lets non-Windows users enjoy the benefits of this program (especially since there aren't a lot of good 7zip tools for Mac)

  • Kays Bedir

    Kays Bedir - 2017-08-30

    I aggree with Folding Home Portable app is needed.

    Creating encrypted files from Admin restricted public device should not be that hard.

    Installation of program may be an option

  • KuleRucket

    KuleRucket - 2019-12-05

    I'm guessing that this is never going to get implemented. If anyone knows a good alternative that is portable, please message me.


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