
#169 Only files in Root-Dir are encrypted


CryptSync x64
Windows 7 x64 Ultimate


I have a problem with your nice program: I synch with command line and only the files in the "root"-Source are encrypted. Not the subfolders!!!

NTFS-Disk on a Windows 7 x64 Ultimate computer
Mounted as drive litter and can be accessed read and write by Drive Letter W
Contains about 70 MB of files, about 500 Files.
The longest absolut path in the source is 180 chars
* Can also be accessed in cmd with dir and so on.

dir w:\cloud\q1

Volume in drive W has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 10ED-637A

Directory of w:\cloud\q1

19.10.2016  11:41    <DIR>          .
19.10.2016  11:41    <DIR>          ..
19.10.2016  11:51    <DIR>          verwaltung
16.10.2016  22:29                 0 _q1_
               1 File(s)              0 bytes
               3 Dir(s)  89.179.504.640 bytes free

t-online Cloud
Mounted as Drive letter Y: in read and write
* Can also be accessed in cmd with dir and so on

dir y:\crypt

Volume in drive Y has no label.

Directory of y:\crypt

19.10.2016  11:48    <DIR>          .
19.10.2016  11:48    <DIR>          ..
               0 File(s)              0 bytes
               2 Dir(s)   2.847.690.752 bytes free

Command line

"c:\Program Files\CryptSync\CryptSync.exe" /src:"w:\cloud\q1" /dst:"y:\crypt" /pw:"xxxxxxx123!!" /mirror /use7z /fat

Finishes after less then 1 second and in in the cloud there is a new file

 Volume in drive Y has no label.

 Directory of Y:\crypt

19.10.2016  11:48    <DIR>          .
19.10.2016  11:48    <DIR>          ..
16.10.2016  22:29               150 _q1_.7z
               1 File(s)            150 bytes
               2 Dir(s)   2.848.518.144 bytes free

And the log of CryptSync is full of errors:

10/19/16 13:17:13 : Starting CryptSync
10/19/16 13:17:14 : encrypt file w:\cloud\q1\_q1_ to y:\crypt\_q1_.7z
10/19/16 13:17:15 : encrypt file w:\cloud\q1\verwaltung\banken\_Archiv\2000_xxxxxx_2000-2001\20001120_info.txt to y:\crypt\verwaltung\banken\_Archiv\2000_xxxxxx_2000-2001\20001120_info.txt.7z
10/19/16 13:17:15 : Failed to encrypt file "w:\cloud\q1\verwaltung\banken\_Archiv\2000_xxxxxx_2000-2001\20001120_info.txt" to "y:\crypt\verwaltung\banken\_Archiv\2000_xxxxxx_2000-2001\20001120_info.txt.7z"

So source and destination are both accessable! One file is crypted and written to the destination.

As a next try I created a second file in the souce w:\cloud\q1\test.txt and run the command line again and then this second file is also synched to the cloud.

Next try was to configur this in the GUI. See attachments. And the the sync runs, shows the progress and at the end there is "none" in the column "Sync failures" but also non of the subfolders was synched.

In the log there are the same encryption errors.

Any ideas?

1 Attachments


Tickets: #168
Tickets: #173


  • Stefan Kueng

    Stefan Kueng - 2016-10-19

    try running 7z directly:
    "c:\Program Files\CryptSync\7z.exe" a -t7z -ssw "y:\crypt\verwaltung\banken_Archiv\2000_xxxxxx_2000-2001\20001120_info.txt.7z" "w:\cloud\q1\verwaltung\banken_Archiv\2000_xxxxxx_2000-2001\20001120_info.txt" -p"password" -mx9 -mhe=on -m0=lzma2 -mtc=on -w -stl

    maybe that will show an error that indicates the problem.

    • Fritz Fischer

      Fritz Fischer - 2016-10-19

      Thanks for quick reply.

      With this command the file is created:

      "c:\Program Files\CryptSync\7z.exe" a -t7z -ssw "y:\crypt\verwaltung\banken_Archiv\2000_xxxxxx_2000-2001\20001120_info.txt.7z" "w:\cloud\q1\verwaltung\banken_Archiv\2000_xxxxxx_2000-2001\20001120_info.txt" -p"xxxxxxx123!!" -mx9 -mhe=on -m0=lzma2 -mtc=on -w -stl

      7-Zip [64] 16.00 : Copyright (c) 1999-2016 Igor Pavlov : 2016-05-10

      Scanning the drive:
      1 file, 131 bytes (1 KiB)

      Creating archive: y:\crypt\verwaltung\banken_Archiv\2000_xxxxxx_2000-2001\20001120_info.txt.7z

      Items to compress: 1

      Files read from disk: 1
      Archive size: 345 bytes (1 KiB)
      Everything is Ok

      then a dir /s on y:\crypt

      Y:\crypt>dir /s  /b

      Now I tested something very easy on local drive c:\temp


      |-- file
         |-- file
         |-- b
            |-- fileb
         |-- c
            | -- filec

      When I sync this with the command line from c:\temp\synchTest\SOURCE to c:\temp\synchTest\TARGET everything is working!

      If I synch the same to the Magenta Cloud of T-Online i get

      |-- file
      |-- a
         |-- file

      So. Next try. I think the problem is the creation of the folders. So I tried

      robocopy c:\temp\synchTest\SOURCE y:\TARGET /S /E /CREATE /XF *
      copy the directories and zero-byte-files but with /XF * the files are skipped so only the directory structure is created.

      After that I started a synch and THEN EVERYTHING WAS SYNCHED!!!

      Same behaviour with GMX Webdav. So nothing Magenta Cloud specific.

      So it it possible that there is a problem with "automatic" directory creation of 7z or does your programm create the folders in webdav?

      IF YOU WANT I CAN SEND YOU LOGIN DATA FOR A MAGENTA CLOUD BY EMAIL. Then you can have a look at what happens!

      Sorry for that long post.


      Last edit: Fritz Fischer 2016-10-21
  • Stefan Kueng

    Stefan Kueng - 2016-10-28

    I'll changed the way folders and intermediate folders are created in [r321]. Hope this helps to solve these problems.



    Commit: [r321]

  • Stefan Kueng

    Stefan Kueng - 2016-10-28
    • Milestone: 1.2.5 --> 1.2.6
  • woodgrain

    woodgrain - 2016-10-28

    Thanks Stefan for the prompt updates, looking forward to giving 1.2.6 a try when released.


    Last edit: woodgrain 2016-10-29

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