
#164 Changing compression options

dark design


Currently when you use 7zip you use compression which is great on compressable files.

However i wonder if you may be able to add some gui options on certain files relating to compressoin of the files. for example:-

.AVI / .JPG / *.MP4 = No Compression (Store)

Thank you

Mark P


  • Timur Born

    Timur Born - 2016-05-24

    This would be very useful indeed. Currently I am trying to use Cryptsync for sync + encryption of image files (JPG and raw), which takes a long time due to ineffective compression. Effectively I only want the encryption and batch functionality, but not the compression (or only "fastest") on these files, while I want the compression on other files.

    So an option to exclude certain file types from compression but not exclude them from encryption would be nice.

    An option to set compression strength per folder pair would be useful, too, albeit the general exclusion option would already take care of the main performance culprit.

    Thanks for the work and useful tool!

  • Flying Hawk

    Flying Hawk - 2017-07-09

    I've modified the source code to turnoff compression for some already compressed file formats. But it's hard-coded, you cannot choose from UI what to compress and what not to.

    This "personal version" of mine is now published on GitHub. Installers can be downloaded on the releases page.

    Note that it also comes with some other personal tweaks that might not be what you want.


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