
Issues with Android 5

  • wroot

    wroot - 2015-02-15

    Cool Reader was crashing sometimes before, but after an upgrade to Android 5.0.2 it is now crashing more often. Usually when flipping the page. Also when going back from task manager to Cool Reader it shows black gap between the toolbar and page and toolbar's top is cut off. Nexus 7 2012, Cool Reader 3.1.2-56.

  • wroot

    wroot - 2015-03-06

    It stopped crashing after i have finished my last book and uploaded new one. Maybe it was the book, though it was a simple txt file like all my books and the current one. Or maybe the cause was because this book was uploaded while i was on Android 4.4.4 and then upgraded to 5.0.2. Anyway, no the only minor problem is those black gaps.

  • wroot

    wroot - 2015-03-18

    Ok, the crashing reappeared again today (with the same new book). And it looks to me it happens after you use sliding to the left to flip a page and use it for some time, like 5 minutes or so, then it starts to crash sometimes after just a one slide. But if you use tapping for flipping, everything is fine.


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