
Cool Reader / News: Recent posts

First Mac OSX version

Released CR3.0.54-23 Qt version for Mac (x86 and x86_64)

Posted by Vadim Lopatin 2011-12-23

Updated Android package

Added font face/size, embolden and night mode settings.
Go to % is implemented.
Bookmarks implemented - for hardware keyboards with numeric keys.

Posted by Vadim Lopatin 2010-10-01

CR3 on Anroid - alpha release

Initial version of Android package is available for download.

Posted by Vadim Lopatin 2010-09-28

Android support

Prototype application is already working on Android platform.
CoolReader Engine is used as JNI library.

Posted by Vadim Lopatin 2010-09-17

Project is migrated from CVS to GIT

All further changes will be submitted to GIT repository only!

Posted by Vadim Lopatin 2009-11-10

MMap files based cache

New feature, recently opened documents caching using MMap files is implemented.
- reopening of recent documents gets extremely fast because documents are being stored in cache file in parsed and formatted way
- now it's possible to open documents larger than available RAM - because they are being swapped to file

ROM Flash image for e-ink reader LBook V3 is available for download.

Posted by Vadim Lopatin 2009-07-30