Bill - 2014-07-12

Another bug opened but then closed is more descriptive, but since this bug is open, I'll comment here! Since Android KitKat (v4.4.2) update, CoolReader is not able to delete books. It thinks it's doing it, but nothing happens.

This is supposedly a "feature" Google added that keeps applications from editing files in ExtSDCard directories that app didn't create. It's a pain-in-the-butt! I use my native browser to download books, read them with CoolReader (AWESOME app, btw!) and then delete them right after finishing. Have to delete them with ES File Explorer now... one of the few apps that's found a way to delete just about any ExtSDCard file!

Can the savvy developers for Cool Reader figure out what is needed to be able to delete files again? I don't want to have a CoolReader directory and have my browser download all files there... some files may need to go elsewhere and the ./Download directory is just plain convenient!

Many thanks!