
Multiple specific configurations

  • Daniel Bengtsson

    If I run with --force or --max-configs cppcheck might not check the configurations I am most interested in. If I pass several -D arguments it seems to test them together if I understand it correxctly. Is it possible to test multiple specific configurations without invoking cppcheck more than once?

  • Daniel Marjamäki

    Well.. I think you could generate a compile_commands.json .. if it says that file1.c is compiled using 3 different configurations then Cppcheck should check file1.c with those 3 configurations.

    I believe the reason you have problems is that Cppcheck does not extract all the configurations. If you want you could try to create a simplified example and report that in our issue tracker. In the simplified example, no real code should be is needed .. just the preprocessor commands.

  • Daniel Bengtsson

    I can try that. The reason I started to look into it was that if I used all configurations there were close to 2000 and it was too slow. And using the limit didn't seem to test the configuration we considered important.


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