
Coriander / News: Recent posts


I just had a 'very nice' HDD crash! Hopefuly I posted 0.18 just before... But this $#@* means I'll be 'out' for some time.

Posted by Damien Douxchamps 2001-10-30

New release: Coriander 0.17

Enjoy! ;-)


Posted by Damien Douxchamps 2001-09-25

CVS coming soon

version 17-pre1 will become the CVS base. The tarball has been submitted, we just need to wait for SF to install it.

Posted by Damien Douxchamps 2001-07-27

File problem corrected

Happy download!

'nuf said. ;-)


Posted by Damien Douxchamps 2001-06-27

Release 0.16 file problems

There seems to be some problems integrating the release files into sourceforge. Don't hesitate to drop me a line in the meantime and I'll send you the tarball by email.


Posted by Damien Douxchamps 2001-06-26

New release: Coriander 0.16

Some new features and code cleanup. you must use the latest libdc1394 CVS with the patch I submitted on for this library (check the libdc1394 sourceforge website)

Posted by Damien Douxchamps 2001-06-25

New release: Coriander 0.15

Some bug fixes, added an access to video test patterns.

Posted by Damien Douxchamps 2001-05-23

New release: Coriander 0.14

Some more bug fixes, plus the addition of an overlay on/off button.

Posted by Damien Douxchamps 2001-05-16

New release: Coriander 0.13

Major update of overlay, first debug of multicamera support.

Posted by Damien Douxchamps 2001-05-08

New release: Coriander 0.12

- Japanese language support
- Format 1&2 support
- compatibility with latest libdc1394

Posted by Damien Douxchamps 2001-04-30

New release: Coriander 0.11

Features: code update and capture functions from Dan Dennedy, first Format6 stuff. Requires latest CVS of libdc1394

Posted by Damien Douxchamps 2001-03-29

New release: Coriander 0.10

New release, new features: DC1.30 format support, video overlay by Dan Dennedy and a major code cleanup which, I hope, makes Coriander more stable.

Posted by Damien Douxchamps 2001-03-21

Coriander major code cleanup coming soon

I have reshaped the whole structure of the program this WE (actually, I just made a structure, because there was nothing like it before). Just give me some time to test it...

Posted by Damien Douxchamps 2001-03-19

Digital Camera Specs 1.30 now available!

The 1394 Trade Association recently released the DC specs v1.30. Some more video modes have been added (B&W 16bpp for all resolutions) as well as some more obscure features. Coriander will implement these updates ASAP, but first a change of libdc1394 itself must be done.

Posted by Damien Douxchamps 2001-03-09

New realease: Coriander 0.09

Just a few very minor bug fixes and code beautification.

Posted by Damien Douxchamps 2001-02-08

Coriander 0.08 released

More features, less bugs. Latest CVS of libdc1394 required.

Posted by Damien Douxchamps 2001-01-19

Custom library libdc1394+

Coriander uses lots of features and sometimes requires very recent developments. This is why you need a special version of libdc1394 (which I called libdc1394+) to run it after version 0.6 (included). This dependency will be depreciated once the extensions of libdc1394+ will be merged into the official libdc1394 (check out the SourceForge libdc1394 project!)

Posted by Damien Douxchamps 2001-01-08

New release: Coriander 0.07

So many gadgets you would thing of James Bond...
Note that you still need the custom libdc1394+

Posted by Damien Douxchamps 2001-01-08

New release: Coriander 0.06

Coriander 0.06 has been released!
Lots of new features and bug fixes, but requires a custom libdc1394

Posted by Damien Douxchamps 2001-01-08