
#59 categorized libraries


The comic books in the library can't be categorized.

I think it is easy to create categories since the
library is in a dir.

So this will work to use different libraries:

Change to the spiderman library:

mv ~/.comix/library ~/.comix/batman
mv ~/.comix/spiderman ~/.comix/library

And change back to the batman library:

mv ~/.comix/library ~/.comix/spiderman
mv ~/.comix/batman ~/.comix/library

The flaw is you have to execute a few shell commands
every time.

Another way to use different libraries is to create a
new linux user without a password login for every category.
So this will worK:

With the user batman: (uses /home/batman/.comix/library)

su batman -c comix

and with the user spiderman: (uses

It think the second way is better,

but ofcause I hope comix will get an update so we can
use categories !


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    I'd like indde some feature for the library that join a little what said here but in a different way.

    I'd like to make some sort of playlist in the library (you know, like a batman.comixList or Infinite_crisis.comixlist) so that you can step forward/backward in comix without opening the library.

    Of course it mean a little (a lot?) of work on the library to make the playlist editor possible.

    But, that (the playlist), semm not too hard to do. The library has just to add a balise in each file reference like:

    playlist={} #for no playlist attachement
    playlist={0001,00A0,OO1F} # for an attachment to the playlist 0001,00A0 and OO1F

    And a table of reference:


  • Pontus Ekberg

    Pontus Ekberg - 2008-12-14

    As of Comix 4, the library can have different categories (called "collections").

  • Pontus Ekberg

    Pontus Ekberg - 2008-12-14
    • assigned_to: nobody --> herrekberg
    • status: open --> closed-fixed

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