
#41 [PATCH] 7zip support for Comix


I originally sent this to the author, but he didn't reply for reason or another, so I'll put the same message here about as it was. I don't know if the bug tracker is the correct place for patches, but you don't appear to have a distinct patch list.

Anyhow, Comix didn't have support for 7z files. This is annoying, I save all my stuff, including comics, in 7zip. Thus, I patched comix to add support for 7z files.

It seems to work,

I also made one subfunction to search the path for binaries, since searching for 7za, 7z and p7zip uses very similar mechanisms as searching for unrar and rar.

The points I modified (in order) were:
- mime type lists for GTK
- listing files from within an archive
- extracting cover to stdout from an archive
- displaying archive type correctly for libraries
- displaying archive type correctly for thumbnails
- mime for recently used data
- determining archive mime type
- extracting files from the archive
- locating rar and 7z executables

If I missed something, you surely know better from which places to look.

Also about the indentation, but I was using a different indentation schema and lines modified by me don't seem to add up with the existing code. You might be better off reindenting them after patching or even cutpasting the changes manually from the .diff file. I'm sorry about the inconvenience. If this annoys you, I can try to do another .diff that has the indents right.


  • Trilkk

    Trilkk - 2008-06-24

    Patch for the current release version.

  • Pontus Ekberg

    Pontus Ekberg - 2008-07-07

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Hi, sorry for the late reply. Apparently I have not only gotten your 7-zip patch, but also another one for adding 7-zip support during my recent time of Comix neglect. Thank you very much. I am currently rewriting all of Comix, so I will look into adding 7-zip support in the new version. I will not do anything more about the old code base except applying some overdue security fixes, since the code is so bad and I hardly remember how it works (I am impressed that you managed to understand it!).

  • Pontus Ekberg

    Pontus Ekberg - 2008-07-07
    • assigned_to: nobody --> herrekberg
    • status: open --> closed-later

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