
Collada DOM sources compilation with MinGW

  • Alexander A. Bychkov

    I try to make compilation for COLLADA DOM 2.3.1 sources for DOM subproject..
    BUT I have problem in daeLIBXMLPlugin.cpp with XML_PARSE_HUGE..It's not defined in any include files…
    BUT XML_PARSE_HUGE are defined in external libs in project libxml2-new…(parser.h & parserInternals.h)
    BUT this project does't have sources *.cpp files and compiled for mingw libraries…

    What must I do.. me..may you may add needed sources to resolve this problem…

    Best regards,
    Alexander Bychkov

  • Marek Kijo

    Marek Kijo - 2012-01-12

    Hello, at first I had the idea to add (as hardcoded couple of lines) to daeLIBXMLPlugin.cpp a definition of XML_PARSE_HUGE as 1<<19, but i dont think that is a got start:). so i've checked some included files, there are two folders with headers for libxml2: libxml2 and libxml2-new. Defaultly compilation is set to use libxml2 (where is no definition of XML_PARSE_HUGE ???), so I had changed these settings like this:

    file: dom/make/ --->
    old line 24: includeOpts += -Iexternal-libs/libxml2/include
    new line 24: includeOpts += -Iexternal-libs/libxml2-new/include
    old line 25: libOpts += -Lexternal-libs/libxml2/$(buildID)/lib -lxml2 -lws2_32 -lz
    new line 25: libOpts += -Lexternal-libs/libxml2-new/$(buildID)/lib -lxml2 -lws2_32 -lz
    old line 27: includeOpts += -I/usr/include/libxml2
    new line 27: includeOpts += -I/usr/include/libxml2-new
    file: dom/make/ --->
    old line 21: libOpts += -Lexternal-libs/libxml2/mingw/lib
    new line 21: libOpts += -Lexternal-libs/libxml2-new/mingw/lib
    old line 24: # libOpts += -Lexternal-libs/libxml2/mingw/lib
    new line 24: # libOpts += -Lexternal-libs/libxml2-new/mingw/lib

    line 24 is in fact commented but for future comfort… :)
    Those changes should elegantly fix that problem:)

    Marek Kijo

  • Marek Kijo

    Marek Kijo - 2012-01-12

    I've just checked some news and this bug is probably fixed already, so try to checkout new repo.


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