

Adam Tauno Williams

[Administration] [Development]


Certain roles are used to allow the adminsitrator to control actions available to users. A role is granted by team membership; each role is assigned to a team and the members of that team possess that role. To assign a role to all users assign that role default to the all-users group, OGo#10003. It is strongly advised that no role ever be assigned to a Team that contains the OGo#8999 NetworkContext.

Role Name Role Id Team Assignment Default
OGO_ROLE_SYSTEM_ADMIN 1010000 OGoAdministrativeTeam
OGO_ROLE_HELPDESK 2010000 OGoHelpDeskRoleName
OGO_ROLE_WORKFLOW_ADMIN 3010000 OGoWorkflowAdministrativeTeam
OGO_ROLE_WORKFLOW_DEVELOPERS 3100000 OGoWorkflowDevelopersTeam
OGO_ROLE_DATA_MANAGER 4010000 OGoDataManagersTeam

NOTE: The Role Id is a constant defined in This value should never be used directly, and is never used in the course of normal server administration.

To assign a role to a team use the coils-server-config command to set the appropriate default to the team name.

coils-server-config --directive=OGoWorkflowDevelopersTeam --value="Developers"

The above grants the role OGO_ROLE_WORKFLOW_DEVELOPERS to all members of the team "Developers".

System Administrator

This role should grant the same privilages to a user as is owned by the "ogo" account [context objectId#10000]. This allows the user to do things like promote contacts to users, manage team membership, delete anything, etc...

Help Desk

This role allows a user extended privileges relating to task entities, such as being able to create/modify a task to have an owner other than the creator or themselves.

Workflow Administrator

Provides extensive powers over the OIE workflow components. This includes access to all processes and routes. The ability to place administrative holds on processes and routes.

Workflow Developer

Provides the ability to create new routes, temaples, formats, and schema documents. Allows formats, templates, and schemas to be modified and/or deleted.

Data Manager

Provides the ability to perform list actions and other related data extractions. The primary purpose of this role is to limit the ability to perform bulk-data exports and changes to some subset of users.


Wiki: Administration
Wiki: CIA
Wiki: Context
Wiki: Development