
#287 False Defunct Error Generated From A Failed Process


A false defunct message gets generated from a process which is known to have failed, and the worker should have been normally garbage collected.

12577 message::new Creating message {f7ec83c3-24ba-45f4-9046-0f0e71b13e32} labeled error with global scope in process 283591979
12577 coils.workflow.process.283591979 exception: Failure time is 2015-02-24 19:25:45.354563+00:00
695 coils.workflow.manager DoFail: Request to mark OGo#283591979 [Process] as failed.
695 coils.workflow.manager DoFail: Marking "running" OGo#283591979 [Process] as failed.
695 coils.workflow.manager OGo#283591979 [Process] lock-token known in registered process list
695 coils.workflow.manager Removed run lock for OGo#283591979 [Process]
695 coils.workflow.manager Registration of OGo#283591979 deleted
12577 message::new Creating unlabeled message {08ca722a-28ca-49d3-86db-17bb462c3979} with global scope in process 283591979
695 coils.workflow.manager DoIsRunning: OGo#283591979 [Process] reported as running
695 coils.workflow.manager OGo#283591979 [Process] in state "F", refusing registration
12577 coils.workflow.process.283591979 state: Saving process state to wf/p/283591979.5.cpm
12577 coils.workflow.process.283591979 state: Save complete
12577 coils.workflow.process.283591979 failed: Process 283591979 failed
12577 coils.workflow.process.283591979 Process worker shutting down
699 coils.workflow.executor Worker for OGo#283591979 [Process] in state "running" is gone.
699 coils.workflow.executor Worker for OGo#283591979 [Process] is defunct in state "running"
699 coils.workflow.executor Discarding worker for OGo#283591979 [Process]

See this process is marked as failed and saved in the failed state. The worker was shutdown. But then it was discovered defunct in the the running state. Something is not being cleared when the failure processing occurs.


Wiki: Process


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