
#1371 Nonsense when renaming virtual folders


Using NB 13159, Windows.
When I try to rename a (sub) Virtual Folder in the project list tree, a requester pops up for the new name. But, very misleadingly, it also shows '\' characters, and the user doesn't quite know what to do with them for fear of causing a mess. Eg if the virtual folder was named SRC, the box for the name shows 'SRC\', and if it is a subfolder the box shows e.g SRC\SUBNAME.
The rename box should just show the actual name of the virtual folder to be renamed without any path imho, also considering this inconsisteny: *** if you enter a text with those \'s, you get an error saying that the name cannot contain such characters !!!


  • Miguel Gimenez

    Miguel Gimenez - 2023-02-01
    • status: open --> accepted
    • assigned_to: Miguel Gimenez
  • Miguel Gimenez

    Miguel Gimenez - 2023-02-02
    • status: accepted --> fixed
  • Miguel Gimenez

    Miguel Gimenez - 2023-02-02

    Fixed in [r13184].



    Commit: [r13184]

  • Miguel Gimenez

    Miguel Gimenez - 2023-02-03

    I am trying to fix [#1372], but I cannot figure out how virtual folders are used.
    You are using them, can you explain me their usage?.

    Thank you.



    Tickets: #1372

  • Elena

    Elena - 2023-02-17

    I checked svn13205 right now and it looks like you fixed it well, thank you.
    Btw should I explain you what virtual folders are ? It is not me who designed CB and invented them ;) I find them very useful to sort project files up. Suppose your project has some hundreds sources which are not physically sorted in directories inside the project folder, and you want to list them sorted in cathegories in your project list three for easier addressing eg. for my spectral audio processing framework I have virtual folders for math processors, modifiers, combiners, technical modules, i/o modules etc.

  • Miguel Gimenez

    Miguel Gimenez - 2023-02-17

    I use about 1/4 of the plugins and little of the fancy features, I did know virtual folders existed, but never tried them because I did not understand their purpose/usage. This complicated fixing the issue, hence my question. Thanks for answering it.

  • Elena

    Elena - 2023-02-17

    It's ok, thanks again, I also am perhaps using just 1/4 of CB's features ;)


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