
#1368 Codecompletion.dll crashed svn 13159


Just installed latest NB (svn 13159), on Windows. I got a crash while the codecompletion was figuring out a suggestion. Rpt attached. This never happened with the previous NBs so chances are it was introduced in last build

1 Attachments


  • ollydbg

    ollydbg - 2023-03-27

    Thanks for the report. Can you have a way to reproduce this crash?

  • ollydbg

    ollydbg - 2023-03-27

    I just looked at the RPT file, and I don't see useful information about this crash.

  • Elena

    Elena - 2023-03-27

    Thanks for checking. Unfortunately I could not reproduce it anymore, it just happened once so far...

  • pecan

    pecan - 2023-10-16

    According to that report, it happened during the OnRelease() call in CodeCompletion because CB shutdown was specified.
    See line "codeblocks.dll!Manager::Shutdown+0x23"

  • Elena

    Elena - 2023-10-16

    I can't remember if I released the MB after so much time, I just remember that I was waiting for a code completion hint. But if it says so surely it is so ;)

  • pecan

    pecan - 2023-10-17

    I'm not criticizing. We're thankful for your reports.
    The crash should not have happened even if shutdown was active.
    There must have been some interaction between code completion and shutdown.
    But we'll never know from the way this crash report works in a CB release versions .

  • pecan

    pecan - 2023-10-24

    I suspect this is the legacy CodeCompletion freeze fixed by svn rev 13369.


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