
#1241 cb svn 12748 crashed


CB nightly build svn 12748 froze while typing in the editor. It was a deadly crash which also slowed down the whole system (win7) causing an hard disk error. Rpt included. Note that I have CB installed in D, despite that after the crash I had to repair my syatem SSD!

1 Attachments


  • Andrew Cottrell

    Andrew Cottrell - 2022-03-21

    The RPT shows the last C::B fuction was "ConfigManager::GetUserDataFolder", which does not write to the file system. I think the problem you have seen with C::B was a symptom of something else like the SSD or MB (motherboard) or RAM or Windows or some another app else failing that then caused Windows and/or SSD to become corrupted. The Windows/SSD corruption then caused C::B to fail. I would check the SSD smart statistics to see if you can find what the problem is.

    The last C::B function in the RPT file is:


    I would be very careful with the SSD and the MB as the corruption may indicate that the SSD and/or MB are starting to fail. I have seen this with HDD in the past where an app crashes and the HDD is corrupted with I restart the OS and when I checked the low level HDD it's SMART stats indicated it was on the way out. I replaced the HDD and then the problems started occurring where it took me multiple times to get the data off the dying HDD.

  • Miguel Gimenez

    Miguel Gimenez - 2022-03-29
    • status: open --> invalid

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