
#1074 Codeblocks Forum links Broke


Installed new version of Codeblocks for the 1st time in yrs but can't get into the forum for over a week. At new https site at, all the forum links don't work. The other links do work but not the forum links.
Today 03- 09-2021 still issues, I can first go to the old http site at
and it will actually be the forum. But I try logging in with old password and username it took me to but it's showing the same screen as the https site at
If I click refresh it takes the screen back to the login screen (the address bar holds same).
I then tried clicking Register to see if I could register a new account but similar issue, the address bar shows it going here,
BUT what's showing on the screen if the Code:Blocks new https site. If I then click the refresh circle the address bar holds the same address but the screen then goes back to, and if I click on a discussion thread I get a 404 not found popup.
And after doing a few screen refreshes and I then paste the original http link of, strangely it takes me back to the new https site. Just totally locked out of the forums.


  • FFS_User

    FFS_User - 2021-03-09

    It just got even more weird, while I'm logged in here to Sourceforge (which has a different login pswd) I clicked the in my above post and it took me to and it's showing my Codeblocks username now (not my sourceforge), but I still get a not found popup if I try to click a thread. So I'm logged int there while I'm logged in here but still not able to see anything there except my user name. Crazy stuff. Would really like to someday be able to get back in the Codeblocks forum though.

  • Eckard Klotz

    Eckard Klotz - 2021-04-11

    Dear All.

    I faced a similar issue as FFS_user.

    Since the last weeks everyday that I'm able to reach one Forum page with the first trial and a link stored in my browser. But if I than try to open the second pages by using a link inside this first page, I will be rooted to the same page as FFS_User and it shows the error-message:

    Database Error
    Please try again. If you come back to this error screen, report the error to an administrator.

    I think that the forum is principally reachable but for some reasons the connection is very unstable.

    • First I open the Nightly Build forum page, what usually works and I get the up to date content and not something stored in my browsers backup cash , since I saw today morning the new comment entered by Khram yesterday in the topic of the nightly from January the 3rd. (until yesterday this was not the case)
    • From this page I try to open a specific nightly topic and this is mostly failing. If I'm able to open this link (as today morning) the next one is failing.
    • It makes no difference if I open a link stored in my browser or offered by the Code::Blocks home page or a forum-page I was able to open. The second or third click results in the shown error message.
    • I work on a Win 10 laptop and use Firefox.

    I understand that the Code::Blocks project has moved to an other server-provider and I think that it may take a while until everything works as expected. Thus please understand my report as the trial to help with some user feedback. If I bother you with some information you already, please accept my apologize.

    Stay well and healthy.

    Best regards,
    Eckard Klotz.


    Last edit: Eckard Klotz 2021-04-11
    • Jannick

      Jannick - 2021-05-04

      Confirming the behaviour for te browsers Firefox (Windows notebook) and Safari (iPad). This unfortunately makes the forum quite useless in two ways for me: threads cannot be displayed and postings cannot be submitted. ... Even reporting this error to the forum administrator is impossible after the deadlock.

      Removing the forum cookies is not a remedy. It appears that for logins the login period selected has an impact on whether the login works or not. It it does deadlock afterwards nevertheless.

      It would be great to fix this forum issue. Thanks.

  • Teodor Petrov

    Teodor Petrov - 2021-04-11

    There are reports that the new infrastructure doesn't support IPv6 correctly. So disabling it in your network settings might help.

  • Teodor Petrov

    Teodor Petrov - 2021-04-11
    • assigned_to: Yiannis Mandravellos
  • Teodor Petrov

    Teodor Petrov - 2021-04-11

    @mandrav Would it be possible to take a look?

  • Eckard Klotz

    Eckard Klotz - 2021-05-09

    Dear All.

    I still face this problem and wonder what to do to solve it for me

    @ Teodor Petrov
    You wrote:

    There are reports that the new infrastructure doesn't support IPv6 correctly. So disabling it in your network settings might help.

    To be honest I don't get your point may be caused by a problem between my ears. Could you please provide some more details.

    • I face the problem mostly on my private computer(Windows 10) using FireFox and Norton Live Lock (formally 630) as virus-scanner all frequently updated.
    • Until now I don't face the problem with my company computer ( Windows 10 also) but using Microsoft Edge and McAfee as virus-scanner updated by our IT service.
    • Both laptops are working on the same rooter-device of my home-network. Thus I think the issue is not located in there.

    I understand that you need some more time to solve the issue if it is an issue you could solve. But since you report on your new web-page that all migrations are done successfully, it may be fair to all users like me to give some hints what to adjust for accessing the migrated resources.

    Stay well and healthy.

    Best regards,
    Eckard Klotz.

  • Teodor Petrov

    Teodor Petrov - 2021-05-09

    Unfortunately I don't administer the systems, so I don't know much.
    @mandrav does, but he is busy and rarely speaks :)

    The IPv6 thing affects you probably if you have it set in your network settings. If you don't use IPv6 then you're having some other problem.

    There is a topic on the forum about this,24430.0.html (not sure if you can access it).

  • Eckard Klotz

    Eckard Klotz - 2021-05-09

    Hello @ Teodor Petrov

    Thanks for your reply.

    Until now I have never changed any configuration related to IPv6 until today. After reading you reply I have searched in the FireFox help about and there they told that the use of it is actually the default behaviour. Further more they write that the command "about:config" allows to change this.

    I played around with this. But the problem still occurs and thus I reset all my changed back to default.

    As you assumed I'm not able to access your forum-link due to the discussed issue. I will try it tomorrow with my company laptop.

    Thanks for your effort.

    To all: Take care about you, stay well and healthy.

    Best regards,
    Eckard Klotz.

  • Teodor Petrov

    Teodor Petrov - 2021-05-09

    This is not a setting inside Firefox. It is system wide (os level) setting, somewhere in the network settings of the OS.

  • Martin Turski

    Martin Turski - 2021-05-11

    Teodor, I can confirm that the forum Database Error has been solved by disabling IPv6 connections for me. I did uncheck the IPv6 feature in my network adapter settings in Windows 10.

    Could you please add a site-wide warning label that IPv6 is not recommended for your website? This solution was difficult to find after all.

    Also what does a clientside connection have to do with server-side processing anyway? Locally you SHOULD use IPv4 or IPv6 no matter what type of connection the client picks. But PHP can be really weird this way, I do not like that piece of web tech for such reasons. I pray that you get this mess sorted out. And do not forget about C++20 modules support for Code::Blocks! 😉😉

  • Eckard Klotz

    Eckard Klotz - 2021-05-16

    Dear All

    First of all thanks to Teodor Petrov and Martin Turski for your support.

    Finally I have chosen the solution suggested by New Pagodi in the forum, I was able to open over my company laptop.

    Even I agree that the fix from Martin may be a more common solution for the whole computer, I prefer a more local modification done in Fire-Fox, since I have some doubts if general disabling of IPv6 may have other unwanted side effects. We should not forget that IPv6 was introduced to replace IPv4.

    However this is something everybody has to decide by her or his own. Thus I like to show what I have done in the Fire-Fox "about:config" tool to implement an individual solution only for the Code::Blocks forum and only in Fire-Fox.

    1. I inserted in the address-line of Fire-Fox "about:config". This opens a special setting configuration normally not visible for the user. Please note, that you have to use this settings very carefully. Otherwise you may create more problems than you solve.
    2. Now I inserted in the search-line the parameter name "network.dns.ipv4OnlyDomains".
    3. In my case the parameter was already existing but it contained no value. Thus I set the value to ""
    4. Once done I was able to open different forum pages again until now.

    I have added a screenshot that shows the Fire-Fox "about:config" settings after step 3.

    As mentioned in my case the parameter was already existing but it was empty.

    • Actually I assume that nobody has to create this parameter, since it refers to a part of the Fire-Fox internals only known by those who have implemented it. Thus an update of Fire-Fox may be necessary if you don't find this parameter.
    • In my case the value was empty. Maybe in your case you already find an other web-location mentioned. I assume the parameter uses a character for separating different web-locations. Please take a look into the help pages of Fire-Fox.

    However this is only a workaround the Code::Blocks users have to do, since the process of migrating to the new infrastructure has not completed successfully, even the Code::Blocks main page tries to tell us the opposite.

    • OK, I can understand that a voluntary project like Code::Blocks, driven by people who do this while their spare-time, could not be maintained like a commercial one. And as long I could solve the problem with a workaround I have no problem with this.
    • But is it really so difficult to place a new comment on the Code::Blocks main page that mentions the problems together with links to the places (including this ticket discussion) were the possible workarounds are discussed.

    Please stay well and healthy.

    Best regards,
    Eckard Klotz.


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