
#30 kerberos proxy authentication


use cached credential for let authenticate with the 'parent' proxy


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  • Luca Di Stefano

    Luca Di Stefano - 2015-04-14

    get the source from trunk
    apply patch in attachment
    install cygwin package libkrb5-devel
    ./configure --enable-kerberos

    it should compile.

    is long time I don't use it and never tried it on cygwin, anyway I try to give you help.

  • Máté István

    Máté István - 2015-04-15

    Thanks for the help, I compiled it successfully!

    I get the following 2 relevant lines on startup:
    cntlm: GSS-API error Inquire credential: Unspecified GSS failure. Minor code may provide more information
    cntlm: GSS-API error Inquire credential: No Kerberos credentials available

    Is there any special entry I need to add to the cntlm.ini or cntlm.cust.ini?

  • Luca Di Stefano

    Luca Di Stefano - 2015-04-19

    prerequisite are:
    a configured kerberos environment (on linux you have to edit /etc/krb5.conf)
    a kerberos ticket (on linux usually kinit is used to acquire the ticket)
    in cntlm conf add:

    Auth gss
    Username <domain user>
    Domain <domain(i.e.) COMPANY.LAN>

    then you can start cntlm

    if you still get errors, start cntlm with -v -f and post the output



    Last edit: Luca Di Stefano 2015-04-19
  • Máté István

    Máté István - 2015-05-13

    I realised that my last post did not reach the forum, so I will repost.

    I have not provided all the information, how I want to make the program work, for that I apologize.

    I compiled the code successfully using cygwin. Then I took the compiled .exe along with the necesarry .dll-s and copied to my corporate notebook, where I can try the kerberos proxy feature. Using the information from your last post the output is (without sensitive information)

    C:\Programs\cntlm-0.92.3_kerberos>cntlm -f -v -c cntlm.cust.ini
    section: global, Proxy = 'proxy server'
    section: global, Auth = 'GSS'
    section: global, Username = 'username'
    section: global, Domain = 'domain'
    section: global, Listen = '5865'
    cntlm: Proxy listening on
    cntlm: Workstation name used: hostname
    cntlm: Forcing GSS auth.
    cntlm: Using following NTLM hashes: NTLMv2(0) NT(0) LM(0)
    cntlm: GSS-API error Inquire credential: Unspecified GSS failure. Minor code may provide more information
    cntlm: GSS-API error Inquire credential: No Kerberos credentials available
    cntlm: PID 10568: Cntlm ready, staying in the foreground

    * Round 1 C: 4 *
    Reading headers (4)...
    HEAD: CONNECT hostname:443 HTTP/1.1
    Thread processing...
    cntlm: PID 10568: Using proxy proxy server:3128
    cntlm: PID 10568: Resolving proxy proxy server...
    Resolve proxy server:
    -> proxy ip
    Host => hostname:443
    cntlm: PID 10568: CONNECT hostname:443
    cntlm: PID 10568: GSS-API error Inquire credential: Unspecified GSS failure. Minor code may provide more information
    cntlm: PID 10568: GSS-API error Inquire credential: No Kerberos credentials available
    cntlm: PID 10568: No valid credential available
    You're requesting with empty auth_s?!
    Credentials structure dump:
    User: username
    Domain: domain
    Wks: hostname
    HashNTLMv2: 0
    HashNT: 0
    HashLM: 0
    Flags: 0

    Sending PROXY auth request...
    Host => destination:443
    Proxy-Connection => keep-alive
    Proxy-Authorization => NTLM
    Content-Length => 0

    Reading PROXY auth response...
    HEAD: HTTP/1.1 407 Proxy Authentication Required
    Server => squid/3.2.13
    Mime-Version => 1.0
    Date => Wed, 13 May 2015 12:49:47 GMT
    Content-Type => text/html
    Content-Length => 3268
    X-Squid-Error => ERR_CACHE_ACCESS_DENIED 0
    Proxy-Authenticate => Negotiate
    X-Cache => MISS from proxy server
    Via => 1.1 proxy server (squid/3.2.13)
    Connection => keep-alive
    Discarding 3268 bytes.
    cntlm: PID 10568: GSS-API error Inquire credential: Unspecified GSS failure. Minor code may provide more information
    cntlm: PID 10568: GSS-API error Inquire credential: No Kerberos credentials available
    cntlm: PID 10568: No valid credential available
    cntlm: PID 10568: Proxy returning invalid challenge!
    Sending headers (5)...
    Host => destination:443
    Proxy-Connection => keep-alive
    No body.

    * Round 2 C: 4, S: 5 (authok=0, noauth=0) *
    Reading headers (5)...
    HEAD: HTTP/1.1 407 Proxy Authentication Required
    Server => squid/3.2.13
    Mime-Version => 1.0
    Date => Wed, 13 May 2015 12:49:47 GMT
    Content-Type => text/html
    Content-Length => 3206
    X-Squid-Error => ERR_CACHE_ACCESS_DENIED 0
    Proxy-Authenticate => Negotiate
    X-Cache => MISS from proxy server
    Via => 1.1 proxy server (squid/3.2.13)
    Connection => keep-alive
    Sending headers (4)...
    Body included. Length: 3206
    data_send: read 2048 of 2048 / 2048 of 3206 (errno = ok)
    data_send: wrote 2048 of 2048
    data_send: read 1158 of 1158 / 3206 of 3206 (errno = ok)
    data_send: wrote 1158 of 1158
    Body sent.
    forward_request: palive=0, authok=0, ntlm=0, closed=0

    Thread finished.
    proxy_thread: request rc = 0xffffffff
    Joining thread 537143352; rc: 0

    After this it repeats the cycle.

    Hope it helps, and thanks.

  • Luca Di Stefano

    Luca Di Stefano - 2015-05-13

    the error is:
    GSS-API error Inquire credential: No Kerberos credentials available

    for acquire the kerberos credentials you need to configure /etc/krb5.conf then execute:
    kinit username@domain

    before to run cntlm run the following command and check if you have acquired the credentials:

    then you can run cntlm

  • Máté István

    Máté István - 2015-05-19

    Tried to run klist and kinit on Windows with cygwin without success. There are no executables by these names. Found kadm-client in krb5.conf though, will try that later.

    My main concern is, that up until kerberos, compiled cntlm.exe could be performed on windows, without cygwin installed, if however required cygwin dll-s were present. If cntlm with kerberos is to be used on windows, native (downloaded and installed) or cygwin kerberos binaries are to be present. This is the part what I cannot figure out, and cannot get it to work, but on Windows. You also most probably know, that windows files and directory paths are different, /etc/krb5.conf is not a valid path on windows.

  • martin.s

    martin.s - 2015-06-18

    Any news on this issue yet? Is this going into trunk in some time?
    I would appreciate a windows version of it and can also do some testing.

    Regarding klist and kinit: The commands exist on Windows 7 and could maybe help in setting credential cache which is obviously the problem in your case.

  • martin.s

    martin.s - 2015-06-19

    Try following steps:

    kinit <user>@<domain>

    This should result in: New ticket is stored in cache file <file>.

    To link cntlm to this file, add this environment variable:

    set KRB5CCNAME = <file>

    It's appropriate to use backslashes in Windows.

    Cntlm reports:

    Available cached credential <user>@<domain>
    Using cached credential for GSS auth.

    I'm now stuck on evaluating requests going to the proxy. Get an 403 for now.


    Last edit: martin.s 2015-06-19
    • RobertB

      RobertB - 2019-03-19

      Got also an 403 (Ubuntu 18.04) - seems to me to be related to the Kerberos token size since it worked for me with a new test user with low count of AD group membership (token size 2320) but did not work for my own account with (token size 11500 (Base 64 accordingly size of 15340))
      The AD supports token size up to 64kB.

      Can someone give me a hint where to start further ivestigation?

      • RobertB

        RobertB - 2019-03-22

        The issue with the Kerberos token size seems to be related to the usage of BUFSIZE in "kerberos.c" and "forward.c". BUFSIZE is defined as 4096 in "util.h".


        Last edit: RobertB 2019-03-22
  • Máté István

    Máté István - 2015-06-19

    On the machine running Windows 7 I do have the klist command, but not the kinit (for unknown reasons to me). Did you install kerberos?

  • martin.s

    martin.s - 2015-06-19

    You're right: It's obviously included in JRE 8 as command line tool. Question is whether that tool is suitable.

  • Manish

    Manish - 2019-11-22

    there is no trunk 282? How to apply patch on 272?

    patching file debian/control
    patching file auth.h
    patching file configure
    patching file kerberos.h
    patching file auth.c
    patching file Makefile
    patching file main.c
    Hunk #2 succeeded at 886 (offset -1 lines).
    Hunk #3 succeeded at 1180 (offset -3 lines).
    Hunk #4 succeeded at 1274 (offset -3 lines).
    Hunk #5 succeeded at 1327 (offset -3 lines).
    patching file forward.c
    Hunk #3 FAILED at 98.
    Hunk #4 FAILED at 148.
    Hunk #5 FAILED at 233.
    3 out of 5 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file forward.c.rej
    patching file doc/cntlm.1
    patching file kerberos.c
    The command '/bin/sh -c patch -p0 -i /201211-cntlm-kerberos-authentication.patch' returned a non-zero code: 1


    Last edit: Manish 2019-11-22
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