
Can I use sphinxtrain-5prealpha to train a pocketsphinx 0,8 acoustic model?

  • twgray

    twgray - 2015-06-13

    As the subject states, I am using pocketsphinx 0.8...the app I am using has this coded in and has not been ported to the latest pocketsphinx-5prealpha. Is there any difference in the accoustic model between 0.8 and 5prealpha?

    Additionally, while on the subject, is there a vast change in the 2 api's? What is the difficulty level to port an app from 0.8 to 5prealpha?

    Thanks in advance for any help!

    • Nickolay V. Shmyrev

      Is there any difference in the accoustic model between 0.8 and 5prealpha?

      Yes, 5prealpha introduced noise reduction and other important features.

      Additionally, while on the subject, is there a vast change in the 2 api's?

      There are big improvements in the API itself and the accuracy.

      What is the difficulty level to port an app from 0.8 to 5prealpha?

      You need to upgrade.

      • twgray

        twgray - 2015-06-14

        Yes, I see that there is a big improvement on accuracy...
        My problem is that I am using an app that was written using the ps 0.8 API's and it hasn't been upgraded to the latest version...and probably won't be until pocketsphinx comes out of alpha. That being said, I have had very very poor results with ps in I can't seem to get it to work reliably at all. The app is written in python, and while I am not a python expert, I can probably muddle my way through porting to 5alpha, so where can I find the 0.8 api's?

        • Nickolay V. Shmyrev

          If you have any specific questions about porting to 5prealpha let us know, we'll be able to help you.


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