I'm a complete noob to CLisp, so apologize for saying incompetencies…
Installing and using CLisp 2.48 on a WinXP laptop, everything seems going fine, except I can't get the sharp sign "#" to be echoed on the screen - actually, the AltGr key seems not to be recognized.
In I read that Bzoto advises
> *I had the same problem with an Italian keyboard. You probably should try the "mingw-without-readline" version - on my pc it works*
Actually, I found that the clisp-2.42-win32-mingw-without-readline.zip package works - the AltGr key starts working again.
Thus my question is: is it possible to get the latest (2.48) release of CLisp in the "without-readline" version?
I'm a complete noob to CLisp, so apologize for saying incompetencies…
Installing and using CLisp 2.48 on a WinXP laptop, everything seems going fine, except I can't get the sharp sign "#" to be echoed on the screen - actually, the AltGr key seems not to be recognized.
In I read that Bzoto advises
> *I had the same problem with an Italian keyboard. You probably should try the "mingw-without-readline" version - on my pc it works*
Actually, I found that the clisp-2.42-win32-mingw-without-readline.zip package works - the AltGr key starts working again.
Thus my question is: is it possible to get the latest (2.48) release of CLisp in the "without-readline" version?
Thanks in advance for any hint.
: http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.lisp/browse_thread/thread/8b7dce551dda5bc1/dc199b6f6c0fdd42?lnk=gst&q=sharp+sign+clisp#dc199b6f6c0fdd42
I think clisp-2.48-win32-mingw-small.exe comes without readline.
see https://sourceforge.net/projects/clisp/files/clisp/2.48/binfiles/view
(the "notes" field in https://sourceforge.net/projects/clisp/files/).
PS. you might get a better response from clisp-list.
Hi Sam.
Thank you for your tip - that was it! :)
I just had to copy 'n' paste the libsvm.dll to get the whole thing working.
Best regards.