
#60 FAS-loader problem

lisp error
clisp (524)

Compile, then load the attached file.

Then compile and load a file containing the single form


The FAS-loader causes struct-slot's initform to be
evaluated, which results in an error, since I want
struct-slot to always be supplied an initial value.

This is a contrived version of a problem encountered
while trying to use CLISP to bootstrap SBCL.

At least CMUCL and SBCL handle this example without an
error. I haven't tried other implementations.


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Oops! I tried to attach a file, but my browser barfed and
    submitted the bug report without the sample file. I'll send
    the sample to the mailing list.

  • Sam Steingold

    Sam Steingold - 2001-08-17

    Logged In: YES

    (defun required-argument ()
    (error "A required argument was not supplied"))

    (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
    (defstruct (struct (:constructor make-struct (slot)))
    (slot (required-argument) :type cons)))

    (defmethod make-load-form ((obj struct) &optional env)
    (declare (ignore env))
    (make-load-form-saving-slots obj))

    (defun handle-struct (struct)
    (format t "~A" (struct-slot struct)))

    (defmacro test ()
    `(let ()
    (let ((var (make-struct (list 10))))
    (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
    (handle-struct ',var))))))

    (defmacro moretest()

  • Sam Steingold

    Sam Steingold - 2001-08-17

    Logged In: YES

    I observe identical behavior from CMUCL 18c and CLISP.
    please try again.

  • Sam Steingold

    Sam Steingold - 2001-08-18

    Logged In: YES

    thank you for your bug report.
    the bug has been fixed in the CVS tree.
    you can either wait for the next release (recommended)
    or check out the current CVS tree (see\)
    and build CLISP from the sources (be advised that between
    releases the CVS tree is very unstable and may not even build
    on your platform).

  • Sam Steingold

    Sam Steingold - 2001-08-18
    • status: open --> closed-fixed

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