
Getting exception : File not found

  • kumarS

    kumarS - 2009-02-12

    I have followed the 5 steps mentioned on the site..
    but when i am trying to see the image..geting file not found exception..

    Its not showing the image.In the logs, giving file not found exception(URL like http://localhost:3366/jsp/cewolf;jesessionid=1123124 .....image=.png)

    When i on the X sign(where image shud be there) and see the properties.. giving the above path which i see in logs also.

    Its not even giving image name like xyz.png in the URL.

    Can i know where the image will be stored??

    I am using SUNOnewebserver on Linux.

    • kumarS

      kumarS - 2009-02-12

      JSP CODE:

      <%@page contentType="text/html"%><%@taglib uri='/WEB-INF/cewolf.tld' prefix='cewolf' %><HTML><BODY><H1>Page View Statistics</H1><HR><jsp:useBean id="pageViews" class="de.laures.cewolf.example.PageViewCountData"/><cewolf:chart     id="line"     title="Page View Statistics"     type="line"     xaxislabel="Page"     yaxislabel="Views">    <cewolf:data>        <cewolf:producer id="pageViews"/>    </cewolf:data></cewolf:chart><p><cewolf:img chartid="line" renderer="cewolf" width="400" height="300"/><P></BODY></HTML>

      This class also i provided

      web.xml also gud only.

      • Ulf Dittmer

        Ulf Dittmer - 2009-02-13

        Are there any error messages in the log files?

        Is the cewolf servlet configured correctly to listen at that address?

        The image is not stored anywhere as a file - it is streamed in response to the img URL created by the <cewolf:img> tag.


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