
#21 Blu-ray support ?

Blu-Ray (1)

Is there any blu-ray support comming in the near future, The ussage scenario would be for longtime backup of files on media like 100gb xl m-disc? as of now it is limited to small dvd/m-disc

This software is truely awsome, and it would be a killer feature to have since m-disc is kind of the only way to take offline backup that can last 100+ years


Bugs: #21


  • Roger

    Roger - 2017-05-10

    For blu-ray writing, you can simply use growisofs.

    $ growisofs -dvd-compat -Z /dev/sr0 -dvd-video /some_folder/

    "-dvd-compat" permanently closes the disk/session.

    "-Z" is the device file

    All other options are mkisofs options.

    -V "LABEL" is for the media label.

    $ man growisofs

    For integrating bluray support into cdw, likely only requires copying the current cdw DVD functions which already use growisofs routines. CDW also would need changes to recognize the bluray media and the bluray sizes.

    Personally, I find using growisofs much easier to write DVD/BluRay media, and reserve CDW for writing CD-R media. Albeit, sometimes I do use CDW for writing DVD media.

    I also have a growisofs incantation (using mkisofs options) for writing longer than 12(?) byte filenames, but cannot access my cmds.txt currently for providing the information here. So hopefully you're not planning to write files with filenames longer than the standard 12(?) bytes, else you'll need to search the Internet forums and researching the mkisofs documentation.

    • acerion

      acerion - 2017-05-10

      On 10.05.2017 07:31, Roger wrote:

      For integrating bluray support into cdw, likely only requires copying
      the current cdw DVD functions which already use growisofs routines. CDW
      also would need changes to recognize the bluray media and the bluray sizes.

      If I ever decide to add full support for data blu-ray, the plan would be
      1. finally buy a blu-ray burner,
      2. make sure that cdw internally uses data types (integers) large enough
      to make support of large files possible. This is important e.g. when
      calculating size of selected files, or when reading data from burned
      disc for verification purposes.
      3. implement recognition of disc type and state, possibly by growisofs
      and cdrecord and xorriso (thrice as much fun as you would think).
      4. make sure that verification of large discs really works,
      5. make sure that various indicators in UI support large values (I never
      tested a progress indicator window to display "100 GB" strings),
      6. test.

      The last point scares me off. I remember than when I was implementing
      support for DVDs, I've spent many, many hours doing "create
      image/burn/verify with checksum/verify in file manager/fix problems"
      cycles. Of course DVDs are bad because there are more types of DVDs, but
      blu-rays are larger, so they may be even worse.

      Best regards,

  • acerion

    acerion - 2017-05-10

    I've been asked similar question in the past, and the short answer is
    "probably not".

    cdw is no longer a high priority project for me. I'm willing to fix
    bugs, and perhaps add a small feature, but blu-ray support is not a
    small feature to implement and to test.

    cdw may still help you with burning data to blu-ray (I didn't test this,
    so I may be wrong). If I remember correctly, cdw can create stand-alone
    ISO or UDF images that are larger than 4.7 GB. If you successfully
    create 100 GB ISO/UDF image with cdw+mkisofs/udftools (and I'm not
    positive that you can), you can then use directly some command line tool
    (growisofs/cdrecord) to burn the image to blu-ray.

    Granted, this won't let you to easily verify burned image, but at least
    you will get the benefit of having a file selector in cdw to easily
    selected files for your ISO/UDF image file.

    I will keep this ticket open. Perhaps, one day, I will change my mind
    and do something about blu-ray support.

    Best regards,

    On 10.05.2017 00:12, rico wrote:

    *[bugs:#21] Blu-ray support ? *

    Status: open
    Group: v1.0_(example)
    Labels: Blu-Ray
    Created: Tue May 09, 2017 10:12 PM UTC by rico
    Last Updated: Tue May 09, 2017 10:12 PM UTC
    Owner: nobody

    Is there any blu-ray support comming in the near future, The ussage
    scenario would be for longtime backup of files on media like 100gb xl
    m-disc? as of now it is limited to small dvd/m-disc

    This software is truely awsome, and it would be a killer feature to have
    since m-disc is kind of the only way to take offline backup that can
    last 100+ years

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    Bugs: #21

  • rico

    rico - 2017-05-10

    Thanks for the verry quick and clear answers, i will use growisofs, and will be looking forward to that day if it "comes". maybe a donating page for the feature could help fund the endeavor ? could be that others where interested.

    • acerion

      acerion - 2017-05-11

      On 10.05.2017 23:03, rico wrote:

      maybe a donating page
      for the feature could help fund the endeavor ? could be that others
      where interested.

      I recognize donations as a valuable solution for many Free Software
      communities, but I never considered accepting donations for any of my
      projects. I feel that this would change my attitude towards a project
      and work/focus/dedication that I put into the project, and I wouldn't
      feel good with this change.

      Thanks for the suggestion, though :)

      Best regards,


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