

Jon Trulson saperski Peter Howkins Christopher Turkel Ulrich Wilkens Pascal Stumpf
There is a newer version of this page. You can find it here.

Welcome to the CDE Wiki

What is CDE? Q and A Documentation Linux Build FreeBSD OpenBSD
Customising CDE Contributing to CDE

CDE - The Common Desktop Environment is X Windows desktop environment that was commonly used on commercial UNIX variants such as Sun Solaris, HP-UX and IBM AIX. Developed between 1993 and 1999, it has now been released under an Open Source licence by The Open Group.

To help answer peoples inevitable questions please have a look at the [What is CDE?] and [QandA] pages.

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2 - More Applications
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4 - The Style Manager
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5 - The File Manager
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6 - Just Another Window Manager
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3 - Help Systems
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1 - Applications

Current State

CDE for Linux, FreeBSD and OpenBSD currently Alpha Quality

CDE for other platforms is unknown/untested

The release of CDE released here represents the source code state in 1999, things have moved on in the UNIX world and it's likely for all platforms some effort will be needed to port, for Linux an experimental port is under way, see Linux Build. There is also an ongoing effort to support FreeBSD and OpenBSD.

In 1999 the reference platforms on which CDE was built were;

Supplier Platform OS
Digital AlphaStation 200 Digital UNIX V4.0
Fujitsu DS/90 7000 UXP/DS V20L10
HP HP9000/7xx HP-UX 10.01
IBM RS/6000 AIX 4.2
Novell Intel 486/Pentium UnixWare 2.02
Sun SPARCstation Solaris 2.4

Getting involved

There are many ways to get involved, but it should be made clear that at the moment there are no pre-compiled binaries available for systems so at the moment all will have to be confident enough to compile from source.

In particular please get in touch if you're interested in the following;

  • Helping us to finish and bug-fix the Linux port
  • Porting or re-porting CDE to various UNIX systems, in particular if you wish to continue supporting the platforms listed above in 'Current State'.
  • Packaging binaries for various systems and Linux distributions.
  • Verifying the translations of CDE into French, German, Spanish and Italian.

You can get in touch with us in the following ways;

We are currently requesting that all contributions to the project are licenced under the MIT licence. Find out why?

Security Note

CDE has had quite a few known security vulnerabilities in it, and it is likely that several more unknown ones still exist.

The following advisories have no traced resolution in this release;

  1. xxxxxx - 1999-11-xx -
  2. 179804 - 2004-03-23 -

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