
#14 Command line not coping content to clipboard


Hello, I'm trying to use screen rect to get text from the screen using command line, tried to debug image and output to a txt file and looks just fine, but if I take out the output it doesnt copy to my clipboard. i'm using Windows 10, I'm trying to use it directly with autoHotKey, so it would be nice to use the clipboard as direct variable connection between the two programs instead of having to make a macro to copy and paste the content to AutoHotKey


  • Mike Brooks

    Mike Brooks - 2017-06-26

    Hi. I am having the same problem. I can save results to text file and then read from that file using FileReadLine (don't need a macro), but it would be nicer to avoid having to use a text file as an interim. Thanks- great program.

  • SJflejw

    SJflejw - 2017-06-30

    Version 3.7 works from CLI. The command is a little different - Capture2Text.exe x1 y1 x2 y2 but it will copy to clipboard

  • Mike Brooks

    Mike Brooks - 2017-07-01

    Do you mean Version 3.7 onwards works from the CLI? I'm having no luck with the latest version. (I'm actually running it from AHK via the RunWait command. I can manage to save it to a .txt file as mentioned, but I can't get it to save to the clipboard.)

        param1 = "%VOCRx1% %VOCRy1% %VOCRx2% %VOCRy2%"
        cmdline1 = C:\Program Files (x86)\Capture2Text_v4.3.0_64bit\Capture2Text.exe -s %param1% -o C:\OCRVPIP.txt
        RunWait, %cmdline1%
  • cb4960

    cb4960 - 2017-07-01
    • labels: --> enhancement
    • status: open --> accepted
    • assigned_to: Christopher Brochtrup
    • Milestone: 4.3.0 --> 4.4.0
  • cb4960

    cb4960 - 2017-07-01

    I'll create an option to copy OCR results to clipboard via command line.

  • Mike Brooks

    Mike Brooks - 2017-07-23

    Any idea of an ETA for that, Christopher? Thanks!

  • cb4960

    cb4960 - 2017-07-29
    • status: accepted --> closed
  • cb4960

    cb4960 - 2017-07-29

    Added CLI option --clipboard.

  • Mike Brooks

    Mike Brooks - 2017-07-29

    COOL! I'll try it out now. THANKS!


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