
c-icap / News: Recent posts

The c-icap-modules-0.5.7 is released

The c-icap-modules-0.5.7 is released. To download new release please visit c-icap project download page:

For installation instructions:

c-icap-modules-0.5.7 changes

virus_scan service fixes: Fix the proposed virus_scan.ScanFileTypes. Many c-icap/c-icap-modules users use the default configuration file and the old line leaved out filetypes which may conceal malware. The newer c-icap-0.5.12 or c-icap-0.6.2 c-icap release is also required.

Posted by chtsanti 2024-01-12

The c-icap-0.6.2 is released

he c-icap-0.6.2 is released. To download new release please visit
c-icap project download page:

For installation instructions:

The c-icap-0.6.2 changes

Posted by chtsanti 2024-01-12

The c-icap-0.5.12 is released

The c-icap-0.5.12 is released.

To download new releases please visit c-icap project download page:

For installation instructions:

c-icap-0.5.12 changes

  • Add new records to c-icap.magic, which are required for virus_scan service
Posted by chtsanti 2024-01-12

The c-icap-modules-0.5.6 is released

The c-icap-modules-0.5.6 is released

The c-icap-modules-0.5.6 is released. To download new release please visit c-icap project download page:

For installation instructions:

c-icap-modules-0.5.6 changes

  • Fixes to compile and run with c-icap-0.6.x releases
  • Other minor fixes.
Posted by chtsanti 2023-10-02

The c-icap-0.5.11 is released

The c-icap-0.5.11 is released.

To download new releases please visit c-icap project download page:

For installation instructions:

c-icap-0.5.11 changes

  • Fix the reported c-icap server name. Use the one configured via ServerName else use the system hostname
  • While the c-icap parses the configuration file does not abort when an undefined ACL entry is used in access lists.
  • Bug fix: c-icap server unexpected behavior or crash if one of the configured TLS certificate keys requires a passphrase but the TlsPassphrase configuration parameter is not used
  • Fix a memcached module memory leak
  • c-icap-mkbdb: Fix --dump option
Posted by chtsanti 2023-09-27

The c-icap-0.5.10 is released

The c-icap-0.5.10 is released. To download new releases
please visit c-icap project download page:

For installation instructions:

c-icap-0.5.10 changes

-Bug fix: Commands scheduled with the ci_command_schedule[on] API function
may not executed. This bug was introduced with the c-icap-0.5.9 release

Posted by chtsanti 2021-10-20

The c-icap-0.5.9 is released

The c-icap-0.5.9 is released

The c-icap-0.5.9 is released. To download new releases
please visit c-icap project download page:

For installation instructions:

c-icap-0.5.9 changes

  • github issue #18: Possible segmentation fault or at least memory leaks when the *_header acls are used
  • Minor leaks while c-icap server shutdowns
  • Implement the following new command/handler types:
    • CI_CMD_CHILD_CLEANUP: These handlers are executed on master c-icap server process, after a c-icap child is crashed
    • CI_CMD_POST_CONFIG: These handlers are executed after the configuration file is parsed, before the children are started.
    • CI_CMD_MONITOR_START: These handlers are executed on master process after the children are started.
    • CI_CMD_MONITOR_ONDEMAN: These handlers can be scheduled using the ci_command_schedule or
      ci_command_schedule_on functions and executed on master process.
  • Other fixes
Posted by chtsanti 2021-09-11

The c-icap-modules-0.5.5 is released

The c-icap-modules-0.5.5 is released

The c-icap-modules-0.5.5 is released. To download new release please visit c-icap project download page:

For installation instructions:

c-icap-modules-0.5.5 changes

  • Fix: "Bug: service 'srv_clamav'. can not accept or send body data"
  • Other minor fixes.
Posted by chtsanti 2021-03-17

The c-icap-0.5.8 is released

The c-icap-0.5.8 is released. To download new releases
please visit c-icap project download page:

For installation instructions:

c-icap-0.5.8 changes

  • Bug #125: ISTag is not quoted
  • Fix multiple bugs with 206 supported requests
  • Bug fix: Kids are not exiting if the parent process is gone
  • Bug fix: c-icap crashes on reconfigure
  • Fix "Bug in the service 'xxx'. Please report to the service author..."
  • Other fixes
Posted by chtsanti 2021-03-01

The c-icap-0.5.7 is released

The c-icap-0.5.7 is released. To download new releases
please visit c-icap project download page:

For installation instructions:

c-icap-0.5.7 changes

  • Fix brotli horrible performance
  • Fix various memory leaks
  • Add the -bU command line parameter to c-icap-stretch utility
  • c-icap-stretch utility: Fix HTTP response status line
  • c-icap-stretch: send always an HTTP/1.1 request
  • Update accepted flags for tls-options option of TlsPort cfg parameter
  • ICAP client: support SSL connections to hostnames that contain IP addresses
  • Bug fix: False accepting connection errors
  • Many other fixes... read more
Posted by chtsanti 2020-10-25

The c-icap-0.5.6 and c-icap-modules-0.5.4 are released

The c-icap-0.5.6 and c-icap-modules-0.5.4 are released.
To download new releases please visit c-icap project
download page:

For installation instructions:

c-icap-0.5.6 changes

  • Possible buffer overflow if an ipv6 address is used with TlsPort
  • Possible buffer overflow while building memcached key
  • Not correctly initialized array, can cause undefined behavior to c-icap-stretch utility
  • Bug 116: The CI_CONNECTION_CONNECTED ci_connection_t flag is not set properly
  • Bug 115: Fix incorrect prototype for ci_client_get_server_options_nonblocking
  • c-icap may crash while parsing wrong formated ICAP request line
  • Fix many issues reported by clang analyzer, which may result to c-icap crashes or malfunction
  • Using port with memcached server hostname, may result to c-icap crash
  • Bug fix: Numeric as group/user id in Group/User cfg parameter does not work
  • Many other fixes

c-icap-modules-0.5.4 changes

  • Bug 121: Support for Clamav-0.102.1
  • Various issues reported by clang analyzer
  • Fix memory leak when clamd TCP server is used instead of unix pipes.
Posted by chtsanti 2019-11-30

The c-icap-modules-0.5.3 is released

The c-icap-modules-0.5.3 is released. To download new release please visit c-icap project download page:

For installation instructions:

c-icap-modules-0.5.3 changes

  • Add support for ClamAV 0.101.x
  • Bug fix: use url-decoded string as filename on viralator mode
Posted by chtsanti 2019-01-17

The c-icap-0.5.5 is released

The c-icap-0.5.5 is released. To download new release please visit c-icap project download page:

For installation instructions:

c-icap-0.5.5 changes

  • c-icap may crash with a SIGBUS while using mmap to map files to memory.
  • Fix multiple brotli decoding bugs
  • c-icap-client does not send the ";ieof" preview termination sequence when sends zero sized files
Posted by chtsanti 2018-09-19

The c-icap-0.5.4 and c-icap-modules-0.5.2 are released

The c-icap-0.5.4 and c-icap-modules-0.5.2 are released. To download new releases please visit c-icap project download page:

For installation instructions:

c-icap-0.5.4 changes

  • Bug fix: IPv6 address can not be used on Port configuration parameter
  • Mark as deprecated the tls-method TlsPort option
  • Bug fix: c-icap fails to decompress zero-sized files compressed with brotli... read more
Posted by chtsanti 2018-09-13 Labels: new release

The c-icap-0.5.2 and c-icap-modules-0.4.5 are released

The c-icap-0.5.2 and c-icap-modules-0.4.5 are released. To download new
releases please visit c-icap project download page:

For installation instructions:

c-icap-0.5.2 changes

  • Document the forceUnload=off option for Service/Module configuration parameter
  • Bug fix: c-icap crashes when converting ci_simple_file_t to a memory object
  • ci_headers_value* functions should remove spaces at the beginning of the returned value... read more
Posted by chtsanti 2017-03-27

The c-icap-0.5.1 is released

The c-icap-0.5.1 is released. To download new release please visit c-icap project download page:

For installation instructions:

The c-icap-0.5.1

The 0.5.1 release has the following new major features :
* TLS/SSL support. This feature sponsored by Ergon Informatik AG.
* A non-blocking ICAP client API. This feature sponsored by Ergon Informatik AG.
* Allow 204 response on preview handler even if the ICAP client does not support preview.
* New API functions.

Major bugs fixed:
* c-icap crashes on shutdown or on reconfigure, because of unloaded c++ dynamic libraries. The new release accepts the forceUnload=off parameter to Module and Service configuration parameters to force c-icap to not actually unload dynamic libraries on reconfigure, or shutdown.

New configuration parameters:
* FakeAllow204
* TlsPort
* TlsPassphrase

Posted by chtsanti 2017-03-20

The c-icap-0.4.4 and c-icap-modules-0.4.4 are released

The c-icap-0.4.4 and c-icap-modules-0.4.4 are released. To download new
releases please visit c-icap project download page:

For installation instructions:

c-icap-0.4.4 changes

  • Fix c-icap.conf installation and build problems
  • Fix c-icap build problem when poll is disabled
  • Bug fix: body->unlocked can be greater than the body->readpos causing segfault
    to c-icap
  • Handle correctly missing proxy-user header in the case the RemoteProxyUsers is
  • Bug fix: Unexpected error waiting for or reading events in control socket!
  • ci_client_icapfilter does not send correct eof line on zero-sized files... read more
Posted by chtsanti 2016-09-21

The c-icap-0.4.3 and c-icap-modules-0.4.3 are released

The c-icap-0.4.3 and c-icap-modules-0.4.3 are released. To download new
releases please visit c-icap project download page:

For installation instructions:

c-icap-0.4.3 changes

  • ci_membuf_write: do not warn user about writting after eof, if not actualy someone try to write
  • Man pages spelling errors
  • Fix ModulesDir and ServicesDir default locations for some architectures
  • Crashes for modules if null argument passed to ci_list_first, ci_list_head and ci_list_tail macros
  • Fix allow204 outside preview responses
  • Use poll instead of select for polling network sockets and pipes
  • Fix core dumps inside client_parse_icap_header()... read more
Posted by chtsanti 2016-04-22

The c-icap-modules-0.4.2 is released

The c-icap-modules-0.4.2 is released. To download new release please visit c-icap project download page:

Bug fixes:

  • content_filtering service: c-icap crashes when no profiles are configured
  • content_filtering service: The AnyContentType option of srv_content_filtering.ProfileOption cfg parameter is ignored
  • url_check service: the Database Description is not printed to generated error pages
  • virus_scan service: If the HTTP url can not be retrieved for a scanned object, trashes may printed
Posted by chtsanti 2015-11-24

The c-icap-0.4.2 is released

The c-icap-0.4.2 is released. To download new release please visit
c-icap project download page:

The major reason for this release is to change the default locking scheme from posix to file.

The c-icap-0.4.1 released using as default inter-processing locking scheme the posix. However posix semaphores have a major problem: Does not release the lock on abnormal process termination. Thus, if a c-icap process terminated for example by a segfault (because of a bug) the c-icap may hang, waiting for ever a inter-process semaphore to be released.... read more

Posted by chtsanti 2015-09-27

The c-icap-0.4.1 and c-icap-modules-0.4.1 are released

The c-icap-0.4.1 and c-icap-modules-0.4.1 are released. To download new releases please visit c-icap project download page:

For installation instructions:

The c-icap-0.4.1

  • New interfaces added to help services developers:
    • ci_regex API
    • ci_cache API
    • New API functions and structures to arrays and lists interfaces... read more
Posted by chtsanti 2015-09-07

The c-icap-0.3.5 is released

The c-icap-0.3.5 is released. To download new release please visit
c-icap project download page:


  • Bug fix: Wrong status code for REQMOD requests without preview
  • Bug fix: Spaces on header may result to bad request error
  • Bug fix: cache drops non expired items
  • Add the "DefaultService" configuration parameter. For use with buggy clients which are not include icap service name in urls.
  • Add support for ICAP requests pipelining
  • Add the "SupportBuggyClients" configuration parameter. If enabled c-icap tries to handle buggy ICAP clients which are not include correct delimiters between HTTP and ICAP headers.
  • Other minor fixes
Posted by chtsanti 2014-10-28

The c-icap-0.3.4 is released

The c-icap-0.3.4 is released. To download new release please visit
c-icap project download page:


  • Berkeley databases may have problems when newer Berkeley DB library used
  • hash_table, always uses a very small hash table resulting to slow search operations
  • c-icap crashes when trying to parse lookup table parameters
  • local cache items are never expired. Affects dnsbl and ldap lookup tables
  • posix interprocess locking does not work
  • Other minor fixes
Posted by chtsanti 2014-07-21

The c-icap-0.3.3 is released

The c-icap-0.3.3 is released. To download new release please visit c-icap project download page:


  • bug 67: "Bug in the service. Please report to the service author..."
  • Bug fix: ci_format_text function may exceeds the buffer
  • Other minor fixes
Posted by chtsanti 2014-03-04

c-icap-0.3.2 and c-icap-modules-0.3.2

The c-icap-0.3.2 and c-icap-modules-0.3.2 are released. To download new
releases please visit c-icap project download page:



Posted by chtsanti 2013-12-27