
java BZEdit

  • Mario

    Mario - 2004-12-09

    I was thinking (som lines of code are just written) to write a simple  java editor for figures.

    It will generate simple figures, like column or trees or houses etc... starting from user parameters like height, position etc... , or more complex figures like temples, cars, bridge...

    Someone want to partecipate or is interested?

    This is just for helping writing world and integrate bzedit...

    • Dave Brosius

      Dave Brosius - 2004-12-09

      If you want to work on this, make sure you use the latest cvs version, as the way objects are created is a few orders of magnitude better than they were before.

      You do realize there already is a bzedit available (altho for the last release)

      • The Barty

        The Barty - 2004-12-11

        Dave, do you realize that BZEdit is Windows Only...

        Why can't Linux and MAC Users have it ?

        If BZEdit was written in Java, everybody could build maps...

        • David Trowbridge

          Well yes. Linux users on x86 aren't completely out of luck, given that the windows bzedit works pretty well under wine.

          However, I would strongly encourage you to pick up work on something that Micah & I started - bzflag import/export scripts for blender. This will work on any platform that has blender (written in Python) and lets you as a programmer concentrate on things like feature completeness rather than drawing boxes.

          The existing code is in subversion at

          • Mario

            Mario - 2005-01-10

            I Have finished the work I started, I have no site up now for putting it, I can send it via email to everyone who ask for this.
            Send requests via email and I'll send classes.


    • Mario

      Mario - 2004-12-10

      I know that there's already a BZEdit...
      Now I'm goning to revisit some of my code about my figure editor...

      Now I'm coming back for a review of my code, when I'll have something intresting to post I'll post again!


      • Dave Rodgers

        Dave Rodgers - 2004-12-10

        Mario, the 1.11.x CVS code already has the ability
        to read a file format that includes arcs, cones, spheres,
        tetrahedrons, and arbitrary meshes. Not only are these
        objects available, but they can also be colored, have
        textures applied to them, and physics drivers attached
        to them.

        P.S. The following is a link to a bzflag map parser that
        I started about a year ago. It can handle grouping, holes,
        text, images, 3D intersection testing, paths, arcs, control
        loops, mathematical expressions, etc... It is pretty much
        a dead project now that bzfs has had its feature set
        increased. There is talk about using the 'blender' program
        for making bzflag maps in the future. It is a fullblown 3D

        • Mario

          Mario - 2004-12-10

          Where can I find all the specification about the possibles map file?

          I don't know c++, i remember something from C.... my life has turned before into M$ world and now to Java....

          • Dave Rodgers

            Dave Rodgers - 2004-12-10

            The anonymous CVS versions of the 'man' page
            is available through this link:


            The file format information is at the end of the bzfs.6s
            file. It's in the nroff format, which is human readable, but rather cryptic looking. I do not know what the best tool
            is for you to view it with in Windows (an assumption
            based on your last post.)

            The documentation for the new features is probably
            about 90% complete. It certainly has all of the basics

            • Mario

              Mario - 2004-12-10

              Ok, thanks,

              I'll go to read this!


            • Dave Brosius

              Dave Brosius - 2004-12-10

              You can use the man2html tool as found in the BZFlag source distribution to convert the man pages to html. man2html is probably found elsewhere as well.

              • Tim Riker

                Tim Riker - 2004-12-10

                I added an interface to get the CVS versions in readable format:


    • Dave Rodgers

      Dave Rodgers - 2004-12-10

      Hmmm, I hate to post to this list twice in such a
      short time frame, but I re-read that last one and
      it sounds like I'm discouraging the development
      of the java editor. In fact, I support it. It would be
      nice to have an editor that could handle arcs and
      cones and whatnot natively (especially as it would
      be cross-platform). Just be wary of obsolescence.

      I'd also suggest that you take a look a the current
      bzfs.6 man page in CVS to see what some of the
      new file format features are.


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