
#13 Category Exclusion for Graphing


I am a student with absolutely no CS background, and no capacity to actually improve/alter software my self. That said, ethically & ideologically, I support opensource software. So here's an idea, if anyone ever wants to use it.

Because some purchases (ie. paying tuition, large medical costs, etc.) can represent an enormous portion of a person's annual, monthly or seasonal expenditures, the graphing feature of Buddi can be rendered less effective by skewing the visual data. I quick example, taken from my own life, is this: as a student, I have roughly $6,000 to live on between September and January. My tuition is just under $7000. Consequently, my pie chart is literally divided in half. This is technically accurate, but without the ability to exclude tuition from the chart, the 23% of my (useable) income that I spent on beer doesn't seem as striking. Some of us really need that big, fat slice of pie to kick us in the butt, and get us out of the campus bar and back into the library! :) So, I just thought that the ability to exclude certain categories from the graphing capacity of Buddi might allow certain users to make more effective use of the visual representation of their income/expenditures.



  • Wyatt

    Wyatt - 2007-09-08
    • labels: 864232 -->
  • Wyatt

    Wyatt - 2007-09-08

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Looks like a valid enough request 8-)

    I find that using Prepaid accounts can help this sort of thing greatly. If you put, say $1000 each month during the summer into a prepaid account "Tuition", you can then use this as a lump sum payment in September. Since it is a transfer between accounts, the lump sum will not show up in reports.

    Moving this to the Report / Plugin / Graph suggestions.



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