
#175 Add Bi-Weekly budgeting period.

Interface (89)

I get paid bi-weekly, so it would be nice if the budgeting application worked in that period as well.


  • Wyatt

    Wyatt - 2007-12-31

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    I have thought of this, but the main problem I am running into is defining when the bi-weekly period starts and ends. All the other periods have a clearly defined start and end time: a month starts on the first, and ends on the last day; a week starts on Sunday (or Monday, depending on locale); etc. Because of these properties, you can pick any date at any time in the past or future, and determine which period it falls into.

    However, with a bi-weekly period, it is not possible to clearly define a start and end date, without any other information. For instance, take January 18 2008. Would this fall in the period from Jan 6th - 19th, or from Jan 13th - 26th? Without knowing the period start date, and defining all periods in relation to that, you cannot know what dates a period spans.

    If you have any ideas on how to get around this problem, please let me know. Below are the things which I need to be able to calculate, for any given date, which I don't know yet how to do: (OK, this last sentence is confusing even to me - I hope you understand what I am getting at!)

    -The offset (X periods forward / backwards from the given date).
    -The end of the budget period in which the given date is contained.
    -The start of the budget period in which the given date is contained.


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Agreed. I was disappointed to see this removed from the 3.0 branch.

  • Wyatt

    Wyatt - 2008-01-09

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    As mentioned below, the reason it was removed was because of technical reasons. If anyone can give me an answer for the three questions below, I would be happy to re-include this period in 3.0.

  • Ethos

    Ethos - 2008-01-22

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    Alright... there are a few really simple ways to do this, I think.

    First of all, you can use the assume method. You just assume that the first period is the first and second week of the year, and there you have it. From there, you should be able to easily calculate that information by basing your calculations on the first week of the year. If it is an odd-numbered week, it's the first week of the period, if it's an even week, it's the second week. Once you find out which week is the first week, you can just take that date, and subtract 14 days at a time to determine the offset of any other date or period.

    The other idea works similarly, make the period user definable, so that I can choose for the first period to be the first/second week of the year, OR the second/third week. Then you can use the method above to find your dates again.

    I'm also thinking that there must be a better way to arrange the budgeting component in it's entirety, but I haven't figured that out yet. I'll get back to you.