
Last medium not made in ISO creation

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I have a BTTB job to fill 650 MB CDRWs.
    BTTB reports 3 mediums (2 full, the last one has 387 MB left). When I make the ISO files, only the first 2 are made. I do not have an image for the third one.
    What is happening here?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I have just downloaded BTTB and I have the same problem.  The 1st ISO of 2 has been created but the second has not.  reading the manual again I saw [The allowed waste size is the amount of space you're willing to keep empty if it is not possible to make a perfectly full CD.
      If you want to make sure that BTTB never skips any files, set this size to (Media Size) - (File System Size), as in the screenshot above. In all other cases, files will be left.]
      So I am trying setting this media size to max in add/edit medium.  And this has done the trick.  I get 0 MB left over instead of 360+ MB left over.  The logic I guess is that 'brn to the brim' will NOT write a cd that is not FULL.  So we have to force it by defining how much space wastage we will allow on a cd we want written.

      Now waiting to see it write both iso images and then to test the images get written right but this is looking much better now


      • glotto

        glotto - 2007-01-09

        Sorry, but I don't have a precise set of rules to allow the last medium to be written.

        Part of the problem may be that your "screenshot above" does not seem to be avaiolable for me to look at.

        Could you please elaborate?  Thanks.


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