
BRP-PACU / News: Recent posts

GTK is included in the Mac version

Starting version 2.1.1, it is no longer necessary to download a GTK+ framework to run BRP-PACU on a Macintosh computer. Just download Jack and BRP-PACU, and off you go. This is good news for Mac users because the GTK-OS X framwork is no longer avaliable.

Posted by AndreasJS 2010-01-24

Buffer saving, UI updates

Version 2.0.7 04/01/2009
Buffer Management
*Added capability to automatically save the capture buffers and load them
from $HOME/.BRP_PACU/buff_store at startup if it exists
*Added Open, Save, and Save-As dialogs, functionality to store buffers
for later usage/reference
*Added functionality for opening data files by double-clicking or dragging
into the application icon (Mac only)
*Put more user friendly name onto Transfer Function Button (formerly
*Changed Buffer names to not start at 0, but 1, updated accelerators
*Removed menu pictures because they hid the accelerator shortcut help in
the menus for some reason
Keyboard Accelerators
*Thanks to Andreas for fixing the Mac key accelerators and suggesting the
use of Control keys instead of Alt keys
Minor Memory Leaks
*Destroy widgets on exit only if left open
Premature Memory Deallocation errors
* Made colors global variables in gui.c
* Made several widgets global variables
Fix Jack callback stability by improving threadlock handling
*Removed threadlocking around gui_idle_func (Gui Idle function) which keeps jack audio thread from updating buffers
*This improves jack performance (XRuns) by preventing Jack audio buffer callback from being locked out for long periods during a gui callback
*This is done by only copying critical memory areas during the thread lockout, rather than trying to update the whole gui and not make a copy, which was easier to do but not clean

Posted by electronjunkie 2009-04-08

Mac OS X Application

A binary distribution with a Mac OS X application was created

Posted by AndreasJS 2009-02-16

Open Source Pro-Audio Analysis Tool, gets support for OS-X

A patch supplied by J Walton, aka tehgooroo allows compilation on Mac OS-X via Macports. BRP-PACU is capable of finding the transfer function and impulse response, for equalizing and time alignment of a sound system. Version 2.0.0 added Pink Noise and Jack Support.

Posted by electronjunkie 2009-01-11

Open Source Pro-Audio Analysis Tool, gets PinkNoise and Jack

BRP-PACU, an Open Source Pro-Audio Analysis Tool, gets Jack Audio Connection Kit support and a pink noise generator.

BRP-PACU is capable of finding the transfer function and impulse response, for equalizing and time alignment of a system.

Version 2.0.0 adds Pink Noise and Jack Support

Added Pink Noise Output

*Mute/Unmute and adjust levels

Add Jack Audio Connection Kit support and removed alsa

*Automatically connects Reference and Measured to Channel 2 and Channel 1... read more

Posted by electronjunkie 2008-12-31

Major UI update

Major GUI and UI update!

*Delay function now resets delay before each capture, resulting in a much
more intuitive delay finding procedure.

*Rewrote buffer capture interface so that it makes more sense and works

*Rewrote keyboard shortcuts so they don't interfere with the Avg gain.

*Added default zoom button to return to original zoom settings.

*Added inserted delay size status on the status bar.... read more

Posted by electronjunkie 2008-12-21

Next Update June 28th, 2008

The next BRP-PACU update will be June 28th.
It will fix:
*a few minor bugs in the Delay finding algorithm and transfer function.
*bug in signal LED's that cause the colors to be inconsistent between channels.
*minor bug in buffer trace selection

It will add:
*reference trace for dual FFT mode.
*"About" info

If anyone has any suggestions please contact me via mailing list. I am happy to help anyone with problems. ... read more

Posted by electronjunkie 2008-06-04

Delay, compilation

-Fixed delay dialog units.
-Fixed delay algorithm bug that caused delay ambiguities.
-Fixed Broken automake-1.9 links in tarball (Thanks to Dan for pointing them out).

Posted by electronjunkie 2008-02-25

User interface Update!

- Added "LED" signal indicators for audio reference and measured input signals.

-Changed soundcard buffer handling to prevent oops messages.

-Fixed various minor UI issues such as delay dialog problems.

Posted by electronjunkie 2008-02-05

File Release

Source code has now been released. There is no docs yet but they are on the way. Please send me your feedback if you download!

Posted by electronjunkie 2008-01-24

Current Project Status

I have made significant progress now with this project. While it is still not usable in its current state, it does the following:

*Displays FFT of Blackman Windowed audio input in real-time.

*Displays the transfer function, H(f) = Y(f) / X(f), of the measured system (channel one divided by channel two, or output (measured) divided by input (reference)), where X(f), Y(f) is the fourier transform of the output and input respectively.... read more

Posted by electronjunkie 2007-10-09