
#75 mged crash on startup


I have now installed brlcad-7.20.0-0.openSUSE.x86_64.rpm on the 64 bits version of openSuse 11.4, but mged will still not start. I get the same X error message as with 7.18.4.



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  • Jordi Sayol

    Jordi Sayol - 2011-06-28

    Can You paste the error message please? Mged properly work at OpenSUSE 11.3

  • PMH

    PMH - 2011-07-02
  • PMH

    PMH - 2011-07-02

    A screendump of the error message has been added.

  • Jordi Sayol

    Jordi Sayol - 2011-07-02

    mmmh, I don't know what is wrong.
    I've created an OpenSUSE 11.4 (64 bit) VirtualBox machine, installed brlcad-7.20.0-0.openSUSE.x86_64.rpm on it, and no problem running mged. I've tested brlcad 7.20.2 without problems too.

    Best regards,

  • PMH

    PMH - 2011-07-02

    Thank you for trying to help me.

    I've also tried version 7.20.2 and getting the same error.

    I then downloaded the source to compile it myself. Configuring was OK, but make stopped after a while with the following error message:

    analyze.c: in function analyze_arb rt_arb_centroid without a real prototype

    or something like that . I checked analyze.c and found analyze_arb containing a call to rt_arb_centroid, but I did not understand the code.

    Any help ?

  • Jordi Sayol

    Jordi Sayol - 2011-07-02

    try adding --disable-strict to configure

  • PMH

    PMH - 2011-07-02

    Hi again

    It worked but a lot of warnings were issued while compiling. Benchmark and test was OK and mged is running now - the problem is solved.

    Thanks again.
    Best regards

  • PMH

    PMH - 2011-07-02
    • status: open --> closed
  • Sean Morrison

    Sean Morrison - 2011-07-02
    • assigned_to: nobody --> jordisayol
    • priority: 5 --> 7
    • status: closed --> pending-accepted
  • Sean Morrison

    Sean Morrison - 2011-07-02

    The default build has the compiler enable almost every useful warning it is capable of producing, far more than the default, and to consider all warnings as errors. The --disable-strict option no longer considers all warnings as errors, but still reports all warnings. The --disable-warnings option will turn off the extra reporting.

    If you provide a full build log (--disable-strict --enable-warnings), we can look into fixing them all so that strict may be left enabled in the future for your build environment.

  • Sean Morrison

    Sean Morrison - 2011-07-02

    Also, the error you are seeing when starting mged is from GLX, not X. That is -- it's an OpenGL issue. My guess would be that the prebuilt openSUSE binaries are using a version of GLX that is incompatible with what you have installed on your system, so compiling from source was best.

  • Jordi Sayol

    Jordi Sayol - 2011-07-03

    prebenmh, what graphic card (and driver) do You have on Your system?
    brlcad, is there a way to compile brlcad to override this error?

  • PMH

    PMH - 2011-07-03
    • status: pending-accepted --> open-accepted
  • PMH

    PMH - 2011-07-03

    Graphic card: AMD Radeon HD 6450 (by ATI Radeon Graphics)
    Driver: fglrx

  • Jordi Sayol

    Jordi Sayol - 2011-07-03

    I've tested in Ubuntu 10.10 , "ATI Radeon HD 4200" with fglrx driver v. 8.780, and mged command from sourceforge package, properly run.
    What's Your fglrx version? is it from OpenSUSE repositories or is external one?
    Can You run "glxgears" command without problems in Your system?
    I've seen on Internet a lot of problems with the ATI graphics drivers so, if Your fglrx is too old, You can try to download the last one:
    just run it and select to create the appropriated package.
    Install them under Your own responsibility.

    Best regards,

  • PMH

    PMH - 2011-07-03
  • PMH

    PMH - 2011-07-03

    The driver is downloaded from the link You mention a month ago (version 11-5). I see that the newest one now is 11-6, but I'm not in the mood to install that yet, because I had a lot of trouble by installing 11-5 (I got a black sceen after updating the kernel etc.)

    I suppose that the configuration of the card is not optimal, but all the programs I am using are now working properly.
    The program glxgears cannot start - I've attached the error message. It looks like the error I had before with brlcad.

  • Jordi Sayol

    Jordi Sayol - 2011-07-03

    ok, it looks like is an AMD/ATI driver issue.
    Just for Your knowledge, the Ubuntu repository AMD/ATI driver, properly run glxgears and mged without problem.

    Best regards,

  • Sean Morrison

    Sean Morrison - 2011-07-03
    • status: open-accepted --> pending-accepted
  • Sean Morrison

    Sean Morrison - 2011-07-03


    If glxgears won't run, then that points at some underlying issue with your OpenGL configuration. We obviously can't fix that problem for you, but we can fix those compilation warnings you ran into if you provide the build output. That way, hopefully the process will be a little less painful for the next person in your shoes. The build from source worked because it simply disabled OpenGL, but it should be a clean compile regardless. Thanks again for the report.


  • PMH

    PMH - 2011-07-04
  • PMH

    PMH - 2011-07-04
    • status: pending-accepted --> open-accepted
  • PMH

    PMH - 2011-07-04


    You are right - both of you - there is something wrong with my fglrx driver. I installed a couple of openGl plays and none of them can run.

    I could not find a logfile of the build, so I did a 'make > file' to get the output, but I can't upload the file because it is too big for sourceforgenet (1.6 MB). The warnings were not written to the file (?) but to the screen anyway I have attached a file of the screen output with the warnings, but it is not complete because of buffer restrictions in terminal window. I could try again if You coud tell me how to catch all the warnings.

    Best regards,

  • Sean Morrison

    Sean Morrison - 2011-07-04

    Running "make > file" only captures text sent to standard out. The warning messages are sent to a separate channel called standard error. To capture both simultaneously, you can run "make >& file" or more portably "make > file 2>&1". Since the log file is going to be pretty huge, you can upload it via FTP to (the "incoming" directory) or maybe via e-mail to (don't know if it'll get rejected due to size).

  • PMH

    PMH - 2011-07-04

    I used ftp. The file name is brlcad-build.txt (transferred in Binary mode) and brlcad-build.txt.1 (transferred in Ascii mode) just to be sure.

    Best regards,

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