
Error:Can't find symbol className when build with ant

  • Ahmed

    Ahmed - 2013-02-09


    I have added some extra classes to borg, now when trying to build with ant
    it's faild with repeated error "Can't find symbol newClassName ", Can any
    one help me on this.


  • Ahmed

    Ahmed - 2013-02-09

    Hi mike,

    i was have two new packages but now i have moved the classes under your main packages after this i get this new error.

    I think i need to add something on the build file!

  • Mike Berger

    Mike Berger - 2013-02-09

    Do you understand how the javac lines in build.xml work to restrict what code each package can reference?

    If you just want to get the program to build, you can replace the javac lines in the build.xml file with this:

    <javac srcdir="${prj.dir}/src" classpathref="build.classpath" destdir="${build.dir}" target="1.6" source="1.6" debug="true">

    This will remove all restrictions.

  • Ahmed

    Ahmed - 2013-02-09

    thanks you, my problem solved.
    i will start reading more about ant.

    Best Regards,,,