
how to integrate the gantt plugin

  • Vincent Musschoot

    Hello, I am a tatlly newbe in open source and absolutely ignorant in computer programing
    I uploaded the Borg calendar and task manager and it works perfectly (damned it is a great product)
    I've read that it was possible to install an addon to get a gantt chart look to the projects
    I love this idea so I uploaded borg_rpt_libs_1_7
    then I've read I had to extract it in a "lib" folder... I did not found any "lib" folder...
    I've also read I had to upload a jfreechart-1.0.19 file
    I did this also, but where to unzip it?
    thank you helping me
    best regards,

  • Mike Berger

    Mike Berger - 2016-08-07

    Hi Vincent,

    The gantt chart add on was removed 3 years ago. It was very primitive and there wasn't much interest in it.


  • Vincent Musschoot

    hi Mike
    oh I see...
    but how can I see all my projects running on a certain day then?
    because I filled in with all my project but I only see the end date on the calendar and no mark or reminder in the days before the due date
    doing all this with the to do list would be overwhelming and doing the job twice...
    sure there is something that I did not get...
    could you explain me how to have this global look on my to be done work please?
    best regards,

  • Mike Berger

    Mike Berger - 2016-08-07

    There is a table of tasks per project and a table of all tasks. I use these to sort, filter, and manage the tasks. For certain types of tasks, I use the OPEN state to mean not started and an IN PROGRESS state to indicate that a task is started.

    The program doesn't have the functionality of something like microsoft project. The task tracking was originally wirtten to implement a software bug and enhancement tracking system.
