

Tim Shaw
  • Tim Shaw

    Tim Shaw - 2012-04-30


    I'm trying to build some code (puma-EM) which uses blitz++.  I use mercurial to clone the sources, and everything seems to build okay when I run:
    autoreconf -vif
    sudo make install

    however, when I try to build the puma-EM code, I get an error:

    mpiCC  -c -O3 -fPIC triangle_int_FS.cpp
    triangle_int_FS.cpp:29:30: fatal error: blitz/tinyvec-et.h: No such file or directory
    compilation terminated.

    When I look in /usr/local/include/blitz, I find that this file isn't there.  However, it was part of an earlier release, blitz-0.9.  I'm wondering if there has been a change to the codebase, and if this (and some other files) have been omitted, or if I'm just not doing something correctly.

    Many thanks

  • Tim Shaw

    Tim Shaw - 2012-04-30

    Oops, I found some correspondence on this from earlier this month, looks like tinyvec-et.h is no longer required.  Fixed the problem by using sudo touch /usr/local/include/blitz/tinyvec-et.h

    Thanks for a great product!


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