
Open source code in Delphi 2010

  • samer

    samer - 2014-08-25

    Please, I'm trying to open the source code in Delphi 2010, but I have problems and errors in the project with this version I would like to know whether this code is compatible with this version of Delphi


  • bitfarm3

    bitfarm3 - 2014-08-25

    Hello Samer,
    the bitfarm GUI Tools (ViewerV3, ManuscanV3, AdministratorV3 etc.) were written in Delphi7. I never tried to open it in another Delphi version. What errors did you get?

    Regards, bitfarm3

  • samer

    samer - 2014-08-25

    Hi bitfarm3
    These pictures attached to illustrate the errors that appear when implementation.

    Thankful for your cooperation


  • bitfarm3

    bitfarm3 - 2014-08-28

    Hi Samer,

    the first two errors occur because of a gnugettext.pas in the bitfarm \Shared directory which is not compatible with our Delphi version. Please delete the gnugettext.pas from
    bitfarm \Shared directory, install gnugettext for your Delphi version ( in set the searchpath in your projectoptions to your gnugettext.
    The thrird error means you will need the TCrDBGrid component (in fact you will need the complete MyDac component) from DevArt (

    Regards, bitfarm3


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