
#97 Autocompletion ?

JF Moyen

Shortcuts for authors or journal names are a vry nice feature of Bibus indeed. However, a brilliant feature that I use all the time in That-Other-Biblio-Management software (whose name starts at the end...) is the autocompletion of author/journal names : when you start typing something in these two fields, the software automatically tries to complete it with the rest of the name if there is a match. Type <enter> to accept the match and just carry on typing if you need something else. I find i to be a superb feature, much easier than point-and-click (as you can do that while typing, without needing the mouse). Would that be possible to implement in bibus ?


  • Pierre Martineau

    Should be possible and "not too difficult", I will investigate on this.
    I usually don't use this kind of feature since I prefer to import from online database that typing references by hand.

  • JF Moyen

    JF Moyen - 2009-08-10

    I guess I use a mixture of all different approaches (import from databases, but also sometimes cite a paper I found e.g. in the ref list of some article I was reading...).

    (back from holidays, Pierre, judgung by the flow of replies ? :-) )

  • Pierre Martineau

    Yes, a lot of messages waiting during my holidays with no web access.



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