
#92 Allow complex formatting of author list in reference


In most journals, author lists are required to be replaced with 'et al' if there are more than a certain number of authors. Most require this for in-text citations, and the reference style editor in bibus allows for style formatting of this subtitution (i.e., bold, italics, etc.). Some journals, for example Molecular Ecology (, also require this truncation and substitution within the reference section as well, along with style formatiing. In the example of Mol. Ecol., if there are more than 6 authors in a reference the first six are to be listed and the 7-n authors are replaced with an italicized 'et al.'. There is not an associated style option for this substitution on the 'Fields formatting' tab of the style editor, and it would be a useful addition


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Yes, the option is in the tab "Fields formatting". Have a look at the style PNAS for instance.
    "et al." can also be in italic for in-text citation but only after finalization. Have alook at the last tab "Citation" for instance using style en_apa


  • Matt Neilson

    Matt Neilson - 2009-06-22


    The option that I am looking for is not present in the 'Fields formatting' tab, unless you've already added it in CVS. I think you may have missed what I was asking/suggesting...let me try to rephrase it. I know there is the option to italicize/bold/etc the in-text citations (the 'Style' button after the replacement text field on the 'Citation' tab)...would it be possible to have the same kind of Style button after the replacement text box on the 'Fields formatting' tab, so that the replacement 'et al' can be italicized in the bibliography?


  • Pierre Martineau

    OK, I now understand.
    It is not currently possible because of limitations in OOo.
    It will change in bibus2 which is currently in cvs but not functional except for geeks



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