
#631 Single Messaging Box


Hi Marco,

i have a feature request for the RasPI used with an Touchscreen.

Is it Possible to create a Single Box "where u can write your message" and send it with Enter without the Chathistorie.. something like an PlugIn or so? It would be great if BeeBeep could be minimized at this time..

The Idea behind is, when more Users are sending and just 1 should read it.. I have made a Screen about what i mean.. maybe it is than easy'er to Understand what i mean :/

Nice regards!

p.s And thank u very much for your awesome Messaging Tool!

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  • Marco Mastroddi

    Marco Mastroddi - 2019-10-31

    Hi! First of all, thank you!
    I understand your point of view... and I'm thinking about it...
    You can tell to me what is the screen resolution of your "monitor"?
    Do you need also "virtual keyboard"?

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2019-10-31

    Hej Marco nice to here so fast from u!

    I use the standart 7inch Raspberry Touchscreen with a resolution 800x480!

    In the case of the "virtual keyboard" i have the standart "Florence Virtual Keyboard".. so far it is good because u can set it up pretty well. It is moveable and can be fixed too. transparent background and to make your own layout are some just good features.. but yeah.. if it is "all in one" it would be awesome.. :D ...

  • Marco Mastroddi

    Marco Mastroddi - 2019-10-31

    Thank you very much!
    Let me think about it...
    1) You have to send message but never read.
    2) Do you need a fixed interface or, if you click on a button, for example, you can switch from "big one" to "little one" and vice versa?

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2019-10-31

    Yeah the setup would be that there are more Raspis 7-8 in one Network and they are sending his message in the group "all users" and than there is one more who is reading all of that.. so if i need to send the message in the group i dont need to know what i or the other users in the grp have sent before or in the mean time..

    So if it would be just the messaging window, where i write down my message than it could be just a extra window that opens up and after that i can minimize beebeep... i think that the switch wouldnt be necessary. But yeah if the window yould be scale able.. ;)

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2019-10-31

    Oh i now understand what u mean with the switch.. soo if i press on a button the hole programm minimizes to just the little window.. yeah that would be a great idea..

    Very creativ.. :0

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2019-11-04

    Hi Marco,

    say.. did u implemented my request in the Beta Version? If it is.. the minimize Button? ( .. So i think i miss lead u.. or i wasnt exactly enough..

    what i meaned is the "MessageOnlyScreen" on the Touchscreen.. (Image inserted: MessageOnlyWindow!!). I dont need to see the "Chat with other Users"..

    Anyway if i send a message it the window it should not disappear.. it should stay as it is.. (i only meaned it would be nice if beebeep could be minimized that i dont need to see the whole programm. but the message window should stay)

    i have inserted a screenshot of what i mean'd "MessageOnlyWindow" i could be great if i could open just this window in "all users" grp.. resizeable and to LOCK that no one could change this window would be the most important thing for me :/

    if i missleaded you i want to say sooo sorry for that. it is my fault because my english is not so good and not my native language..


    nice regards from austria and thank u

  • Marco Mastroddi

    Marco Mastroddi - 2019-11-05

    Hello! I'm sorry but I have not developed your request yet...
    That check box "Minimize" is to answer to this request

    I need more time, the list is long :-)

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2019-11-05

    Hej Marco,

    im so sry.. that was my fault! I thought that was it.. im sry..

    take your time.. np



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