
#608 Close chat window after sending message

Chat window (1)

First off great program! I just use it for my home network of 4 computers but it works great for my needs. I was wondering if you could add the option to close the chat window after sending a message? As it is currently the window just stays where it was when message was sent. In my usage I usually just send a message and don't expect a reply back any time soon, so it would be nice if the window just closed after message was sent. Thanks!


  • Marco Mastroddi

    Marco Mastroddi - 2019-09-17

    Hello! Thank you very much Jon!!!
    Yes, it is possible... I am thinking about the interface... how or where I can add that option...
    It must visible and easy to change... maybe a checkbox under the "send" button
    [] ... and close

    Something like "Send" ... "and close" if checkbox is checked...


    Last edit: Marco Mastroddi 2019-09-17
  • Jon

    Jon - 2019-09-17

    Originally I was thinking about just an option in the settings>chat section. Although if you could incorporate it into the actual chat window along the bottom that would be even better. That way it could be a per use, or per user setting. Thanks and let me know if there's any other feedback I can help with! ☺

  • Marco Mastroddi

    Marco Mastroddi - 2019-09-17

    Yes, you can me with the brainstorming...
    Maybe the better way is a compromise between the two.
    I can add the option in Settings - Chat and it is "default status" when a chat window is opened.
    Then the user can "uncheck / check" it in the chat window and the option remains valid for that chat window until it is closed (when it will be opened again it takes the default status).

    Thank you for your feedback!

  • Marco Mastroddi

    Marco Mastroddi - 2019-09-17

    I added the new feature in source code (it will be available in the next release).
    But, for usability reason, I had 3 choices in setting "On sending message..."
    1) Do nothing
    2) Minimize chat window
    3) Close chat window

    See the attached image.
    Thank you!

  • Jon

    Jon - 2019-09-17

    Looks good and looking forward to the update! So I know you already closed this ticket and I hadn't mentioned it earlier, but is there any way you could make the chat program itself also minimize after the message is sent? Thanks again for everything involved in this thusfar!

  • Marco Mastroddi

    Marco Mastroddi - 2019-09-17

    No problem for the "close". It is just a flag. I close the ticket to order...
    You can minimze the app "clicking" ESC if the option in "Settings" - "On close" (it will be changed to "Interface") - "Escape key minimize on tray icon".
    So "send message" and then "ESC".
    Or, if you prefer, I can add another option... :)

  • Jon

    Jon - 2019-09-18

    Personally I'd like the option but not sure exactly how to encorporate it into the program. Maybe something like you have "On sending message..." with options for the chat window you could do something like that for the program options too? So you could have one entry for "On sending message, chat window...." and another entry for "On sending message, program...."



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