
ScaneRSS not sending proper user-agent

  • sunqan

    sunqan - 2006-10-16

    Hi, is not letting ScaneRSS in (any longer) due to the fact that the default for the user-agent tag (apparently) is java-whatever (ie the java version). I know that this can be set on the feed/advanced options/user agent, but bitmetv doesn't allow that and whoever tries that will get banned if caught.

    ScaneRSS is the only option for Azureus users on Bitmetv, as rssfeed is banned due to misbehaving.

    Could you please send a more sensible user-agent by default (like ScaneRSS/0.9.2 or somesuch)


    • Leonard Brünings

      You are the third one to ask me that ^^.

      I've changed the default userAgent, it will be up in the next release.
      For now set it to "ScaneRSS 0.9.1 / Azureus" this will be compliant with the future behaivior, could you post it in the forum as temporary solution since the next ScaneRSS release will unfortunately take some more time.

    • sunqan

      sunqan - 2006-10-17

      thanx, but... as I said, the mods at bitmetv are rabid when it comes to "improper" behaviour. The only thing they allow is what comes with the bittorrent client / rss feed reader.*no* spoofing (as they call it). The workaround with setting the user agent has already been suggested in the bitmetv forums, and thoroughly axed by the mods, with the comment that anyone who tries that "trick" and is caught, will be banned... (even though I guess that claiming to be TVTAD would be safe...).

      So Please, would it be possible for you to release a "quickfix" release for this problem???

      I am sure that I and a lot of other az users at bitmetv will be forever greatful :-)


    • Leonard Brünings

      I don't really want to release a dirty quickfix since the new version is incomplete and not tested.
      Tell the stupid admins that they should accept "ScaneRSS 0.9.1 / Azureus" since it isn't spoofing when you set it to the correct id. Just tell them that the current behaivior now is a bug. In an earlier version ScaneRSS would spoof by default, but as I made the userAgent configurable I made a mistake and it used the standart UA.

      If they still keep bugging I can send you a beta build and you can distribute it on the site but I won't release an official build for it. If you want that send me your real email address.

    • Leonard Brünings

      Ok I changed the userAgent again to adhere more to the standard it will look like this "ScaneRSS/0.9.1 (Azureus/"

    • Yago

      Yago - 2006-10-18

      beta/CVS version are not allowed, I think we have to be patient here:
      - BtMTV won't allow any usage other than official release (that would be 0.9.2)
      - ScaneRSS developers have their development cycle, so they will release when they think the product is ready.

      I would prefer to wait some more that to use a buggy product that is banned as well.

      Good Coding!

    • Gadgetnutter

      Gadgetnutter - 2006-10-19

      I too am affected by these problems at BitmeTV.

      I'd like to reiterate that the site Admin have clearly stated that anyone manually entering *anything* in the User Agent field will be regarded as spoofing and have their account instantly axed..with no right of appeal.

      As previously stated..the site admins rule with a rod of iron and I suspect that if they saw the comments above..they would summarily ban ScaneRSS from their site..which no one wants.

      They are also particularly fussy about beta clients and plugins.

      Would it not be possible to "patch" the existing client, so that we can continue to use it??

    • Gadgetnutter

      Gadgetnutter - 2006-10-19

      Damokles..Does that mean that if we download it again, the User Agent field will *automatically* send those values??

      Also..anyone know if we can install it over the old that I don't lose all of my filters??

    • Leonard Brünings

      >As previously stated..the site admins rule with a rod of iron and I suspect that if they saw the comments above..they would summarily ban ScaneRSS from their site..which no one wants.

      Lol, I think they have a serious inferiority complex in RL and what to compensate that by ruling like dictators over their own BTSite...


      If you would read the commit mails you would see that I'm not lazy doing nothing, but working very hard on it. But there are some serious bugs in the new version and i cannot release a version like that.

      It is possible to patch the 0.9.1 version, but this would take dev time from the new version. And since it isn't really an improvement I wouldn't release it as public version since all the other users would dl and then ask whats new?... nothing. We can release as special BitmeTV version that will be distributed on your site only, will those admins accept that?

      >Damokles..Does that mean that if we download it again, the User Agent field will *automatically* send those values??

      Yes, if you don't specify anything else.

      >Also..anyone know if we can install it over the old that I don't lose all of my filters??

      Yes you can safely install the new version. Do  you think I will change the format with every release just too annoy anyone ?!? Don't forget that I'm using it myself. ^^

    • Gadgetnutter

      Gadgetnutter - 2006-10-19

      Sorry to be a bit dim here...but are you saying that you have already made changes to the programme so that it now sends the correct UA field??

      If so, then clearly there is no reason for a patch.

      If you have already made the changes..then I'll ask the BitmeTV admin if it's OK to use now.

      So just to clarify..I'm currently using v0.9.1 and this version does not send an acceptable (to BitmeTV) UA field.

      I may have misunderstood, but I think you have said that you have already made changes to this version, so that it automatically sends the correct format UA values.

      If I download 0.9.1 again and install it over the old version..all will be solved

      ...or have I completely got the wrong end of the stick??

      • Leonard Brünings

        No 0.9.1 doesn't send the User Agent correctly. But the next version will.

    • sunqan

      sunqan - 2006-10-19

      regarding changing the UA field...
      I PMd one of the Admins, and I got this Message back:
      we say that if you do that you will get banned.

      we do not allow alteration of client identification in any way.



      • Leonard Brünings

        I feel sorry for your guys to have such admins. Is that site really so good that your are willing to submit to such rigid admins?

        I cannot say when the new version will be out. 1-2Weeks

        User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; de; rv: Gecko/20060909 Firefox/
        Should be rather save.

    • sunqan

      sunqan - 2006-10-19

      BitmeTV is good and fast, and has been for quite a while.
      but it is invitation only, and if your invitees misbehave you get kicked out as well...

      and they do have a lot of rules
      but if the new version of Scane is out in 2 weeks, that is fine by me..

    • Gadgetnutter

      Gadgetnutter - 2006-10-29

      Any news on the new version????

    • Leonard Brünings


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