
Safari 5.1 (Lion) Issues

  • mike-h30

    mike-h30 - 2011-07-21

    I just installed Lion on a test machine and running Safari 5.1.  When I search fax archive with a given date range, the results are empty.  On Snow Leopard Safari (5.0.5) the results display as expected for the same date range.  The search fax archive also works as expected on Firefox 5.0.1 on Lion.  So this seems to be Safari related.  I have reported this to Apple to see if they find that others are noticing PHP web applications not working the same on Lion Safari versus Snow Leopard Safari.  I am also going to keep tabs on the Safari developer forum.   I am wondering what web technologies have changed from Snow Leopard Safari (5.0.5) and Lion Safari (5.1)?  Does anyone know what Safari is doing differently in 5.1 that is affecting PHP code?  Thanks.


  • Dave

    Dave - 2011-07-21

    Hi Mike,

    Thanks for the post.  I just upgraded to Safari 5.1 and I see what you mean about the Archive.  The problem is that the first entry in the Company List is now being selected automatically and so it's being used a part of the search.  If you type in something like "-" in the Company Search field so that the Company List is empty and then click Search, you should see the proper results.  I'll have to study this more in order to find a better fix.


  • mike-h30

    mike-h30 - 2011-07-26

    Hi David,

    The same issue is happening with Chrome 12.0.742.122.   However, per your suggestion I can get the Archive to display the proper results by making the Company List empty in both Safari and Chrome.  In my case a single dash doesn't work (-), but rather two dashes (-).  Thanks for sharing this work around!!

    So what is different in the latest Safari and Chrome that is causing the browser to automatically add the first company in the Company List to the query string? 


  • Dave

    Dave - 2011-07-26

    Yes, since both use the WebKit engine, that's very likely.  What happens when you search the Archive page after setting $SHOW_ALL_CONTACTS to false in local_config.php?

  • mike-h30

    mike-h30 - 2011-07-26

    That works!  We never really search by company name in Fax Archive so setting $SHOW_ALL_CONTACTS to false is a non issue.   Thanks again David!!



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