Activity for AUTO-07P

  • Anuj Pradhan Anuj Pradhan posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, I'm new to auto-07p. I was trying to run a continuation on a system of 2 ODEs but keep getting a MX error. I've tried adjusting the step size, the NTST and the tolerance values but the issue is still there. I've attached the .f90 file and .c file for reference.

  • Przemyslaw Perlkowski Przemyslaw Perlkowski posted a comment on discussion Help

    Is it possible to follow in Auto the periodic solutions of the integrodifferential equations? Przemyslaw

  • Neil M Ribe Neil M Ribe posted a comment on discussion Help

    I have AUTO-07p installed on Mac OSX 11.6, and all my existing AUTO programs run fine. However, when I try to run a new code (in this case "capgeneral.f") I get the following: neilmribe% @r capgeneral c1 gfortran -fopenmp -O -c capgeneral.f -o capgeneral.o gfortran -fopenmp -O capgeneral.o -o capgeneral.exe /Users/neilmribe/auto/07p/lib/.o Starting capgeneral ... make: ** [run] Segmentation fault: 11 capgeneral ... done The .o and .exe are thus being created, but I am prevented from running the code...

  • Chiraprabha Bhattacharyya Chiraprabha Bhattacharyya posted a comment on discussion Help

    I am having problems checking stability of a solution branch in boundary value problems. For stationary solutions of ODEs (IPS=1), stability of a branch is indicated by the sign of PT in the fort.7 file. But for boundary value problems (IPS=4), there is no such stability indicator. How do I examine stability of branches for BVPs? (eg. a transcritical bifurcation problem with some boundary conditions and integral conditions) Can someone help me out?

  • Karishma Karishma created ticket #11

    digifil header error

  • lanast lanast posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi community, I am using AUTO-07p on Windows 10 and have successfully run the enz demo from the manual. However, at the lrz demo, which involves a 2nd run, I am getting this error: AUTO> run(lrz('HB1'),IPS=2,ICP=['rho','PERIOD'],NMX=35,NPR=2,DS=0.5) Starting lrz ... Traceback (most recent call last): File "<console>", line 1, in <module> File "c:\AUTO\auto\07p\python\", line 1585, in run res = File "c:\AUTO\auto\07p\python\", line 377, in run self.runCommand(command,...

  • lanast lanast posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thanks Javier, this was the issue

  • Javier Perez Javier Perez modified a comment on discussion Help

    I don't sure if in linux environment work it, but you could try typing: source $HOME/auto/07p/cmds/

  • Javier Perez Javier Perez posted a comment on discussion Help

    I don't sure if in linux environment work it, but you could try typing source $HOME/auto/07p/cmds/

  • lanast lanast posted a comment on discussion Help

    Got it, it was that the PATH was not set yet. So when typing which auto it did not know where the software path is. Nevertheless I would like to ask whether someone has encountered the error /users/.../auto/07p/python/ No such file or directory when simply entering auto in the terminal. The file is actually there and the python module is loaded, but it seems it is not recognized by the computer (?)

  • lanast lanast posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi community I have unpacked the software on linux machine according to the manual and set the environmental variable $HOME/auto/07p/cmds/ However typing "auto" inside the command window in order to start the command line interface leads to auto: command not found. Is it possible that there is no command line interface on linux? Or do I have to change my current directory somehow, so that is recognized as a program? Many thanks! lanast

  • baudelaire31 baudelaire31 created ticket #3

    Exporting output data

  • Bart Oldeman Bart Oldeman created a blog post

    Migrated to GitHub

  • Maurizio De Pitta' Maurizio De Pitta' posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello everyone, how can I run AUTO 07p given an ODE system defined in C file where I have several #include directives of other header H files (associated with C sources) that define some of the functions that I call in the RHS of my system?

  • Maurizio De Pitta' Maurizio De Pitta' created ticket #10

    Divide by zero error and crash

  • Maureen Chou Maureen Chou posted a comment on discussion Help

    I encountered the same results. I guess this may be caused by the version of numpy or other depended python packages. But I do not have time to figure out which package play the role. I changed the version of python, matplotlib on my mac. Nothing helps. It seems that the newer version of python modules are using different logics from the older ones, so I think one possible way to takcle this problem may be installing all the modules used by the source code developers of AUTO 07p

  • Woo Seok Jung Woo Seok Jung posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, I recently downloaded auto-07p in ubuntu 16.04, and I'm practicing it with the provided documentation. But I have a problem in generating every plot when I run any demo codes (demo2, demo3, userScript, etc) I keep getting RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python object So I changed the recursion limit by using sys.setrecursionlimit, but then I got an error message Segmentation fault (core dumped) I think there is no problem in installation of auto files because all...

  • Bart Oldeman Bart Oldeman modified ticket #2

    system does not have required compilers and libraries

  • Bart Oldeman Bart Oldeman modified ticket #6

    Not able to see all the results in the bifurcation diagram (8 dim ODE)

  • Bart Oldeman Bart Oldeman posted a comment on ticket #6

    There are two workarounds: 1. set NPR=1 and use the values in the solution file; for every line in the bifurcation diagram there is now a label with a corresponding solution. 2. or: use the PVLS subroutine (see demo pvl for examples) to put the values of U into unused parameter values (e.g PAR(21) to PAR(29)) and list those explicitly in the ICP list. All parameters that are listed in ICP are put in the bifurcation diagram file.

  • Bart Oldeman Bart Oldeman modified ticket #2

    Floating point number format

  • Bart Oldeman Bart Oldeman posted a comment on ticket #2

    This was done in 2013 in the SVN here and now at

  • Bart Oldeman Bart Oldeman modified ticket #3

    problem in compiling fcon.c

  • Bart Oldeman Bart Oldeman modified ticket #8

    Install error: "No rule to make target `install'. Stop."

  • Bart Oldeman Bart Oldeman posted a comment on ticket #8

    There has never been a proper "make install". You compiled successfully and can now use AUTO by doing "source cmds/" (you may need to edit that file to adjust AUTO_DIR if AUTO is not in $HOME/auto/07p).

  • Bart Oldeman Bart Oldeman modified ticket #7

    Error when trying to plot since instation of Matplotlib 2.0

  • Bart Oldeman Bart Oldeman posted a comment on ticket #7

    It's a combination of not overriding N.nonzero (because that is now used by matplotlib itself) but also explicitly using N.flatnonzero in the AUTO python code, as done here: it's now fixed in that github repository.

  • Bart Oldeman Bart Oldeman modified ticket #2

    fix auto-07p for newer numpy

  • Bart Oldeman Bart Oldeman posted a comment on ticket #2

    Please try: it's fixed there and the plotter tested with Python 3, numpy and matplotlib.

  • Bart Oldeman Bart Oldeman modified ticket #4

    E for exponent dropped in solution file

  • Bart Oldeman Bart Oldeman modified ticket #9

    Fails to build with GCC/ gfortran 8: "Error: Actual argument contains too few elements for dummy argument ‘angle’ (3/4) at (1)".

  • Bart Oldeman Bart Oldeman posted a comment on ticket #9

    I fixed it here: just replace ANGLE(3) with ANGLE(4) and it will compile.

  • Bart Oldeman Bart Oldeman modified ticket #1

    Minor compile fix

  • Bart Oldeman Bart Oldeman modified ticket #1


  • I L I L created ticket #8

    Install error: "No rule to make target `install'. Stop."

  • D A D A posted a comment on ticket #7

    This patch seems to fix that particular issue, it looks as though expects numpy to concatenate to an empty array which fails. There's definitely a better way to do this, but as a quick and dirty fix we can just catch the error and return the expected result. 371c371,372 < stab = N.concatenate((N.nonzero(N.less(points[:-1]*points[1:],0)), --- > try: > stab = N.concatenate((N.nonzero(N.less(points[:-1]*points[1:],0)), 372a374,375 > except ValueError: > stab = N.array([len(points)-1])

  • Drei Eck Drei Eck posted a comment on ticket #9

    Using the old g95-compiler seems to be a workaround, but not a proper solution, though.

  • Jose Manuel Montilla García Jose Manuel Montilla García posted a comment on ticket #9

    I'm having the very same problem. I'm trying to install in Manjaro 18.0.2 and can't have a succesfull instalation. I have tried the solution of Carsten Bruns but the result is a corrupted instalation that does't work. Any news?

  • Carsten Bruns Carsten Bruns posted a comment on ticket #9

    As a temporary workaround, -std=legacy can be added to the compiler flags, e.g. in the FFLAGS variable in the Makefile of plaut (07p/plaut/ This changes the error message into a warning, the same way as older version of gfortran behaved.

  • Omer Tzuk Omer Tzuk posted a comment on ticket #7

    Hello Sergey, I've recently tried to use the patch (commenting out the line you've mentioned), but I get an error message like this: ValueError: all the input arrays must have same number of dimensions

  • Omer Tzuk Omer Tzuk posted a comment on ticket #2

    I have commented out the line N.nonzero = N.flatnonzero, however, I still get an error message when I try to plot something using Python 3: $ auto Python 3.7.0 (default, Oct 9 2018, 10:31:47) [GCC 7.3.0] on linux Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. (AUTOInteractiveConsole) AUTO> from autoutilities import plotCont AUTO> bif,ps=plotCont() ... Using plain TkInter for plotting. You can obtain better quality graphics using matplotlib ( Traceback...

  • Drei Eck Drei Eck created ticket #9

    Fails to build with GCC/ gfortran 8: "Error: Actual argument contains too few elements for dummy argument ‘angle’ (3/4) at (1)".

  • kumara kumara posted a comment on ticket #6

    Not really. But the work around is you can access the info of the states using python commands. Been more than two years I stopped working on bifurcation analysis, don't exactly remember the commands. Regards, Kumara On Fri, Oct 12, 2018 at 6:02 AM Parul Verma wrote: Hi, I have the same problem. I have a system of 9 ODEs. Was this problem solved? Regards, Parul [support-requests:#6] Not able to see all the results...

  • Parul Verma Parul Verma posted a comment on ticket #6

    Hi, I have the same problem. I have a system of 9 ODEs. Was this problem solved? Regards, Parul

  • Parul Verma Parul Verma posted a comment on ticket #7

    Hello, I am also facing matplotlib related errors. When I try using PyPlaut, I get the following: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/parul/Software/AutoForLinux/auto/07p/python/graphics/", line 605, in <module> runner = PyPlautInteractiveConsole(exportFunctions(), b, s) File "/home/parul/Software/AutoForLinux/auto/07p/python/graphics/", line 82, in __init__ self.handle.config(**dict) File "/home/parul/Software/AutoForLinux/auto/07p/python/graphics/",...

  • Parul Verma Parul Verma posted a comment on discussion Help

    I think you need to source first, so that the path to AUTO is added in your bash profile.

  • Sergey Kirpichev Sergey Kirpichev posted a comment on ticket #7

    Could you try ? I have managed to make auto-07p & matplotlib v2.2.3 working with this little patch.

  • Sergey Kirpichev Sergey Kirpichev created ticket #2

    fix auto-07p for newer numpy

  • Dap Eu Dap Eu posted a comment on discussion Help

    Dear Maia, I have encountered exactly the same problem. May I know whether you have get it solved? Thanks! Dap

  • Mary Mary posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi After I have installed Auto-07p, I have run an AUTO demo by typing (cd auto/07p/demos/abc), then typing (@r abc), I received an error message (sh: @r: command not found) . Please, could any one hel me?

  • dch dch posted a comment on discussion Help

    I have some code that uses some lapack libraries, and I am able to compile it with the auto libraries from the command line. However when I use the python utility AUTO, and try and run this code of mine, AUTO tries to recompile it. However, it is unable to find the lapack libraries, and compilation fails. Is there a way to add the lapack library call to the makefile (or the compile command that AUTO) uses it? Also, is it possible to just compile once, and not every time? Thanks. David Halpern

  • kumara kumara posted a comment on discussion Help

    Dear Laurien, Sorry for the late response. I just returned from vacation. I could not get solution to that problem. But we can access the data of all the states printed using some 'python' language commands. Regards, Kumara On Thu, Jun 1, 2017 at 9:38 AM, Laurien Vandewalle wrote: I have the same problem... Did you find a solution? AUTO-07P - Not able to see results for more than 6 states in the bifurcation diagram. Problem is solved without errors though?

  • Laurien Vandewalle Laurien Vandewalle posted a comment on discussion Help

    I have the same problem... Did you find a solution?

  • Leonardo Gordillo Leonardo Gordillo posted a comment on ticket #7

    Thanks for your answer Omer. I spent a few days trying to install AUTO in Mac OS X Sierra. Typical errors I bumped into after plotting in AUTO were: > Exception in Tkinter callback > Traceback (most recent call last): > File "/anaconda/lib/python2.7/lib-tk/", line 1536, in __call__ > return self.func(*args) or //anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/core/ VisibleDeprecationWarning: `rank` is deprecated; use the `ndim` attribute or function instead. To find the rank...

  • Omer Tzuk Omer Tzuk posted a comment on ticket #7

    No...I reinstalled python with Matplotlib 1.5, and auto again and it works as previously, but I did not manage to make auto work with Matplotlib 2.0

  • Leonardo Gordillo Leonardo Gordillo posted a comment on ticket #7

    Have you solved the problem? I also have it. I tried to downgrade the matplotlib but it did not work either. Any progress?

  • Omer Tzuk Omer Tzuk posted a comment on ticket #8

    I have the same error when trying to parse bifdiag object: assert isUniqueSeq(self.coordnames),...

  • Omer Tzuk Omer Tzuk created ticket #7

    Error when trying to plot since instation of Matplotlib 2.0

  • Jarek Glowacki Jarek Glowacki modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    In the course of my PhD reserch I have faced a problem that for my particular 26-D...

  • Jarek Glowacki Jarek Glowacki posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    In the course of my PhD reserch I have faced a problem that for my particular 26-D...

  • kumara kumara modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, I've a dynamical systsem (Aircraft) with 8 state variables (U1,U2,U3..U8) (and...

  • kumara kumara posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, I've a dynamical systsem (Aircraft) with 8 state variables (U1,U2,U3..U8) (and...

  • kumara kumara created ticket #6

    Not able to see all the results in the bifurcation diagram (8 dim ODE)

  • kumara kumara posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, I've a dynamical systsem (Aircraft) with 8 state variables (U1,U2,U3..U8) (and...

  • Bart Oldeman Bart Oldeman committed [r2758]

    Parallellize part of fort.8 I/O (FP to string c...

  • Bart Oldeman Bart Oldeman committed [r2757]

    Call STUPBV in parallel for OpenMP.

  • Bart Oldeman Bart Oldeman committed [r2756]

    Make sure FUNI does not overflow on U/UOLD in c...

  • Bart Oldeman Bart Oldeman committed [r2755]

    Store UOLD vector into U past NDIM. This allows...

  • Bart Oldeman Bart Oldeman committed [r2754]

    Correct NTSTNA in LCSPBV subroutine call.

  • Bart Oldeman Bart Oldeman committed [r2753]

    Integrate master and worker code more in LCSPBV...

  • Bart Oldeman Bart Oldeman committed [r2752]

    Simplify MPI logic in CNRLBV, moving it to LCSP...

  • Bart Oldeman Bart Oldeman committed [r2751]

    More CNRLBV merging for master and workers. Bot...

  • Bart Oldeman Bart Oldeman committed [r2750]

    Eliminate LCSPBV_NOT_CONVERGED and make worker ...

  • Bart Oldeman Bart Oldeman committed [r2749]

    Further merge master/workers in CNRLBV

  • Bart Oldeman Bart Oldeman committed [r2748]

    Merge MPI_CNRLBV_WORKER back into CNRLBV to sav...

  • Bart Oldeman Bart Oldeman committed [r2747]

    Call PVLI at a higher level, moves all test fun...

  • Bart Oldeman Bart Oldeman committed [r2746]

    Call MPIGAT/PVLS from STEPBV instead of NEWTONB...

  • Bart Oldeman Bart Oldeman committed [r2745]

    Eliminate use of QT3_SUPPORT methods for pulldo...

  • Bart Oldeman Bart Oldeman committed [r2744]

    Qt4 compat for file dialog windows.

  • Bart Oldeman Bart Oldeman committed [r2743]

    Replace insertItem with addItem for lists for Q...

  • Bart Oldeman Bart Oldeman committed [r2742]

    Use toLocal8Bit() instead of implicit QString->...

  • Bart Oldeman Bart Oldeman committed [r2741]

    Call constructors for QComboBox, QSpinBox, QDia...

  • Bart Oldeman Bart Oldeman committed [r2740]

    Create a seperate method for every pulldown men...

  • Bart Oldeman Bart Oldeman committed [r2739]

    Workaround for the menu bar in newer Mac OS X v...

  • Bart Oldeman Bart Oldeman committed [r2738]

    Optimize INTWTS so it is around 4-5x faster.

  • Bart Oldeman Bart Oldeman committed [r2737]

    Scatter adapted TM,UPS,UOLDPS to workers as soo...

  • Bart Oldeman Bart Oldeman committed [r2736]

    Let INTERP work on two solutions in one loop, t...

  • Bart Oldeman Bart Oldeman committed [r2735]

    Simplify INTWTS interface/implementation to rem...

  • Bart Oldeman Bart Oldeman committed [r2734]

    Do UPS output in WRTBV9 in partly in parallel a...

  • Bart Oldeman Bart Oldeman committed [r2733]

    Make mpigats subroutine more general so it work...

  • Bart Oldeman Bart Oldeman committed [r2732]

    Add dummy mpigats for nompi.f90

  • Bart Oldeman Bart Oldeman committed [r2731]

    Make writing to text strings for solution files...

  • Bart Oldeman Bart Oldeman committed [r2730]

    Centralize computation of counts and displaceme...

  • Bart Oldeman Bart Oldeman committed [r2729]

    In MPI communication send TM instead of DTM, an...

  • Bart Oldeman Bart Oldeman committed [r2728]

    Fix uninitialized ISTOP in MPI worker code from...

  • Bart Oldeman Bart Oldeman committed [r2727]

    Compute maxima of solution components for fort....

  • Bart Oldeman Bart Oldeman committed [r2726]

    Call STPLBV from MPI workers, with most measure...

  • Bart Oldeman Bart Oldeman committed [r2725]

    Use parallel scaling for periodic solutions com...

  • Bart Oldeman Bart Oldeman committed [r2724]

    Introduce RMXUPSP/RMNUPSP to calculate minimum/...

  • Bart Oldeman Bart Oldeman committed [r2723]

    Run STDRBV in parallel, including the scaling, ...

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