
Generate edges from nodes data (GPS)

  • Alain L'Hostis

    Alain L'Hostis - 2016-07-07

    Dear Tulipists
    I have a dataset of GPS tracks of bikes (first lines given below). A list of nodes (GPS locations with speed) with a Id by track. Is it possible inside Tulip to generate the edges that are in the point data? Or is it necessary to work on the entry file?
    Ideally I would love an edge Origin-Destination (start and stop), with the layout given by the intermediate nodes (mid).
    Then I plan to do some beautiful edged bundling.
    Thanks for help,

    TripID, TimeStamp,Latitude, Longitude, Altitude, Distance, Speed, Type

    • brenoust

      brenoust - 2016-07-08

      Hi Alain,

      Not a full answer, but this can help you: you can use viewLayout for edges
      as well and insert control points in there (list of coords), exactly the
      same way as the edge bundling does.
      You can then use any type of curves to draw your edges, such as Bezier to
      get you the nice result you're expecting.

      However, if you want to use edge bundling, then these points will be
      removed and replaced by the bundling.



      On 7 July 2016 at 19:14, Alain L'Hostis wrote:

      Dear Tulipists
      I have a dataset of GPS tracks of bikes (first lines given below). A list
      of nodes (GPS locations with speed) with a Id by track. Is it possible
      inside Tulip to generate the edges that are in the point data? Or is it
      necessary to work on the entry file?
      Ideally I would love an edge Origin-Destination (start and stop), with the
      layout given by the intermediate nodes (mid).
      Then I plan to do some beautiful edged bundling.
      Thanks for help,

      TripID, TimeStamp,Latitude, Longitude, Altitude, Distance, Speed, Type






      Generate edges from nodes data (GPS)

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  • Alain L'Hostis

    Alain L'Hostis - 2016-07-11

    Ok Benjamin, this what I want to achieve, have edges with layout given by GPS points on the track, but I understand from your message that this must be done outside of Tulip, right?

    • brenoust

      brenoust - 2016-07-12

      I'm not sure of what you mean by "outside of Tulip".
      So far, we don't gave a default GPS import plugin, so you must load your
      data yourself, python would be my preferred mean.
      I would suggest in a first time to load all GPS points in a separate node,
      with all their properties (especially latitude, longitude and type), and
      linking them alongside.
      You can then open the Geographic View and generate the layout by latitude
      and longitude.
      Then, you should write a script that follows a path from node type 'start'
      to 'end', creates a link from the 'start' node to the 'end' node, for which
      you will store in 'viewLayout' a list of tlp.Coord() corresponding to the
      viewLayout of each intermediary node - that you may delete as well.
      You will finally obtain what you want.

      Note that you can include altitude information afterwards in the
      z-coordinate of tlp.Coord(x,y,z) points

      I hope it helps,


      On 12 July 2016 at 05:31, Alain L'Hostis wrote:

      Ok Benjamin, this what I want to achieve, have edges with layout given by
      GPS points on the track, but I understand from your message that this must
      be done outside of Tulip, right?

      Generate edges from nodes data (GPS)

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  • Alain L'Hostis

    Alain L'Hostis - 2016-07-20

    Dear Benjamin,
    valuable suggestion, but I am not at ease with scripts in Tulip. I am currently writing in R (this is what I mean by outside Tulip) a script to generate directly the tlp file, I prefer this way.
    The nodes are very heavy at the moment, I hope that the generated tlp file will be more easily handled by Tulip (version 4.8 in Ubuntu)


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