
Cluster-specific properties

  • MarkP

    MarkP - 2010-08-04

    Hello! I am new to Tulip, but my experience so far has been very positive. Since I work on Linux and my coworker works on Windows it is especially nice to have Tulip support cross-platform development.

    We are writing a plug-in to import from an internal format that we use within our group, and as part of the import we are adding a lot of properties to the nodes that we later export. It would be nice if we could have properties that are specific to a cluster. The documentation and the .tlp format suggests that properties are associated with clusters, so I thought this might be possible. However I noticed that if I try to add a property it seems to end up in cluster 0, and if I manually edit the .tlp file to add a property to a non-zero cluster, I cannot see it in the Tulip GUI. Are cluster-specific properties possible?

    Thanks for your time,


  • packadal

    packadal - 2010-08-09

    Hi Mark,

    I might be wrong, but as far as I know, Tulip associates properties with graphs, so in order to have a cluster-specific property, you need to have one sub-graph per cluster.
    Then you can have local properties on your sub-graphs.

    Thanks for the praise :)


  • David Auber

    David Auber - 2010-09-07


    Yes you can associate a specific properties to a cluster. However, you must give us more information about what you call a cluster. In Tulip we support two different things : Subgraph and groups.
    You can add different properties to a subgraph elements.
    A group can be seen as a node that represent a subgraph, thus you can add information on that node.

    To summarize :
    if you want to add information on an element of a cluster (add properties on the corresponding subgraph)
    if you want to add information on the cluster itself (set the value of the cluster corresponding node (ie. metanode) or edge (ie.metaedge))



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