
Atomic Tanks / News: Recent posts

Atmoc Tanks 3.5-r1 Re-Uploaded

The current release of atanks needed to be uploaded again. The previous archive had a wrong folder structure.

So if you had trouble with the folder structure, please download the corrected archive.

Posted by Sven Eden 2009-03-30

Atomic Tanks 3.5-r1 Important Bugfixes!

Unfortunately two serious bugs which didn't show up during testing of the 3.5 release showed up afterwards and had to be fixed asap:

1.: Fixed a bug that could cause atanks to crash if a game with players which do not belong to the first 10 set up players chosen is loaded.

2.: A typo made atanks impossible to be compiled on windows platform

Posted by Sven Eden 2009-03-25

Atomic Tanks 3.5 hotfix upload!

I am very sorry to admit that there have bin some serious issues in the current release that needed to be hotfixed.

Please re-download the current archive.

Fixes are:
- Fixed a bug in decor.h that made compiling on windows platform impossible.
- Changed the Makefile(s) so you can now install with:
-> Default linux (bin to /usr/games/bin, data to /usr/share/games/atanks) :
make && make install
-> Linux user, everything stays in the source folder:
make user
-> OSX user, everything stays in the source folder:
make osxuser
-> Windows user, everything stays in the source folder:
make winuser... read more

Posted by Sven Eden 2009-03-23

Atomic Tanks 3.5 released

The new Atomic Tanks 3.5 has been released today.

Unfortunately something went wrong with some files, so if you downloaded the tarball already (before 03:00pm MET), please re-download the correct one.

Posted by Sven Eden 2009-03-19

New beta here for your testing pleasure.

After two years of inactivity, Atomic Tanks is rising, like a vengful phoenix. Included in this beta are some code clean up, bug fixes and minor improvements. Please <a href="download/atanks-2.0-beta.tar.gz">download</a> it, play a few games and sumbit your feedback.

-- Jesse

Posted by Jesse Smith 2006-12-17

New Forums

I've been intending to set up a new forum on the site for some time and I've finally got around to it, it's a bit thrown together due to lack of time, but should be better than the sourceforge forums which I have to say haven't got the friendliest interface.

Forums now at


Posted by Thomas Hudson 2004-11-12

Requirements change

I forgot to mention that this version requires allegro 4.1 due to API changes in allegro.


Posted by Thomas Hudson 2004-11-11


A new project manager has been found in my stead, please welcome alteest at as the one who will bring your much-asked-for networking to atanks, as well as some other rather splendid-sounding changes.
Also, I've released the alpha code (v1.5a) I'd been working on which most significantly adds an entirely new and friendly way of creating weapons.
The source is in CVS and available as a package for download, but do bear in mind it _is_ alpha quality.... read more

Posted by Thomas Hudson 2004-11-10

Atanks v1.1.0 Released

This release contains command-line switches to set the screen/window size and 16 or 32-bit colour, large improvements to AI, 2 new items to counter the affect of permanent armour increases, a shopping trolley system in the shop and the ability to sell items back, right-mouse button for faster changes to options and various bug fixes.


Posted by Thomas Hudson 2004-02-05