
#74 Line numbers truncated on v4.4

line (1)

When I am searching the line numbers on the left-hand column are often truncated one the left to only two digits.

Sometimes I can get all the digits by opening and closing the options dialogue.

Anyway you can imagine how frustrating it is to see line #87 and jump there when the correct line is supposed to be line 11,287!

thanks for your consideration.



  • Jackslade

    Jackslade - 2015-05-27

    Just to get more information, does this happening during current search or after a search is over? I assume you are just clicking a file listed in the top file list result area? Can you list out all the view options you have checked as well (remove white space, word wrap, entire file)?


    • Jackslade

      Jackslade - 2015-05-27

      Just to note, I just tested with some larger files and can see the full line number (e.g. 55771). Definitely will need more information to reproduce issue. Thanks.

      • aplatypus

        aplatypus - 2015-05-27

        The line numbers refresh or the line number area is redrawn After the options dialogue is closed. That is a work around for the problem.

        As to when it happens? It looks like the default width is only 2 digits. Some files have 7-digits of line numbering, however I've seen the problem when you go past 100 (3-digits).

        Since it refreshes after the options dialogue is closed, it looks like the numbers are fine, and it is a GUI resizing issue.

  • theblackbunny

    theblackbunny - 2015-05-27

    Happens to me too, try having files with hits on only double digit line numbers, some other files with hits only in the 4 digit line numbers, then try clicking from file to file in the top file list result area and you'll see the higher line hits being truncated sometimes.

    It depends on the order in which you click the files and happens during current search and after a search is over.

    Options checked: Line number

    • Jackslade

      Jackslade - 2015-05-27

      Thanks for more information. Will continue researching cause.

      Was also able to reproduce, so should be able to track down and fix. Thanks again!


      Last edit: Jackslade 2015-05-27
  • Jackslade

    Jackslade - 2015-05-28
    • status: open --> accepted
    • assigned_to: Jackslade
  • Jackslade

    Jackslade - 2015-06-04
    • status: accepted --> closed
  • Jackslade

    Jackslade - 2015-06-04

    Fixed in version 4.4.2



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